Keystone Chronic


Well-Known Member
from what i've learned lately ... not anytime soon. NORML can hype up the mmj movement in Pa.. but i think they did their best with decriminalization in philly. Pa is a Republican run state ...the only liberalish areas are pittsburg and philly, the rest of the state is nothing but republican rule... matter of fact Pa is in the process now of re-districting itself so it can become even more of a red state.
things don't look good for PA at least IMO.


Well-Known Member
you guys have some screwy laws over there. I buy my fireworks there, but from what i see PA residents arent even allowed on the property unless you work there and cant buy anything, yet when i show them my ny id they are more then happy to deal with me lol


Active Member
From what I understand, it's not on the horizon. I think there's a bill but it isn't scheduled for a vote. Much of this state is backwards, IMO.