Leaves getting rust spots and then curling up and dying


Active Member
looks like some type of nutrient issue , im not experienced enough to diagnose it. someone with more wisdom will help u out soon man. meanwhile check ur ph and tell us what nutes your using.


Active Member
I am using fox farm big bloom, tiger bloom. Fox farm grow big for veg. To you think it coils possibly be mold? Not proper drainage? Ph is at 6.4. I have proper ventilation. Constant 74 degrees, 45 % humidity


Active Member
not mold.
are you giving it full strength nutrients? if so, just give them 1/2 to 3/4 strength. better yet, go get a PPM meter and make sure it stays under 1200 for now (you need to calibrate the meter first!!!).
also, your PH is too high. keep it closer to 6 for soil and 5.7-5.8 for hydro.

could very well be nutrient burn. are any of the leaves cupping up from the center or the edges, i don't see any in your pictures. if they are, this could be stemming from a magnesium deficiency. but i would say nutrient burn.

-is this hydro or soil?

possible solutions:
-flush these bitches. 2gal of water/1gal of grow medium.
-back off on those nutrients and get a ppm meter to check it. they are a bit expensive if you're poor (like myself lol), but it's 100 bux. and you're talking about your babies here, they deserve the meter!
-PH 6 for soil and 5.7-5.8 for hydro, check on it as often as you can and keep it there.

could you post some pics that are focused on the leaf, not the mylar ;)
also, try to post some of the whole plant as well.

im about 95% sure this is nutrient burn, since it started when you switched to flowering (switched nutrients), and i'm guessing your not checking the PPM of the solution since you haven't posted it. please post full plant pictures before you go flushing them though.


Active Member
it is a soil setup. 2 gallon containers, sog method. induce flowering at 12". i just checked the ph of my mixed solution with the tiger bloom and big bloom and it was 5.6. i will pick up a ppm meter tomorrow and find out what it is. should i pitch the bad ones and start new? here are a few pics that might help. i have 2 sativas are getting the spots also. very frustrating since i have never had this in past experiences



Well-Known Member
it could be nute block from over watering.... 1 of my girls has it...I'm trying to dry it out and then when it is dry I will water with some hydrogen peroxide,,a drop or 2 in the water... could work for you :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like nute burn based on the pics. To me it looks like there is some deficiency based on how it appears to be starting in the middle of the leaf and working its way out. The picture where you've got just the middle of the leaf that is brown along the veins and the rest of the leaf is green is the best example of this. Nute burn would start at the leaf tips and work its way back toward the middle of the plant. I'd be checking the pH and trying to determine what kind of deficiency this is.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
it is a soil setup. 2 gallon containers, sog method. induce flowering at 12". i just checked the ph of my mixed solution with the tiger bloom and big bloom and it was 5.6. i will pick up a ppm meter tomorrow and find out what it is. should i pitch the bad ones and start new? here are a few pics that might help. i have 2 sativas are getting the spots also. very frustrating since i have never had this in past experiences
looking at that last picture of leaf I'd say it is a "multiple overdose". Yet some pics look like problem is solely "potassium deficiency". Really hard to tell with your quality of pics.. FOCUS YOUR CAMERA!!!!!:wall:

I suggest that you flush! Flush my son,flush!!!!


Well-Known Member
i been battling a few deffs this month and a good thorough flush does the trick! dude that looks horrible! when was the last time you flushed?


Active Member
those new pictures show alot more, definitely a deficiency since it is coming from the veins. its just sooo dark man, the necrotic spots i mean. potassium deficiency usually is more brown and yellow, from the edges and works towards the veins.

One of my buddies had a problem that look awfly similar to this, not as bad though. He said it ended up being a phosphorous an calcium deficiency. he flushed (to get rid of excess minerals), then added a little bit more of his flowering nutes (as they contain phosphorous) as well as Cal-Mag, which you can get at your local grow shop. it worked for him. I personally have no experience with something that looked like this, so this is the best advice i can give you.

make sure you check the ph of the soil as well, since thats what the plants are in, it will change as the plants use different nutrients throughout the days.


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a familiar problem with users of Fox Farm nutrients. Perhaps that brand does not come with micronutrients included. Well, where I come from there are quite a range of different brands of nutrients to choose from, Fox Farm is not one of them, but there sure are a lot of people on these forums using them and having deficiency problems. Maybe there is a connection.


Active Member
Id heavily wage that it is your soils ph creating either lockup of nutes or incompatibility altogether though overwatering and wet or poorly aerated soils could really compound that problem so it could be a nasty combo. Like several other posts said, and keep in mind for the future- FLUSH FLUSSSSHHHHHH. Flush any plant that ever gets close to exhibiting that behavior with enough water to adequately fill the pot its growing in one or two times over were it to not be filled with soil. 1 gallon pot? make sure a gallon or 1-1 1/2 gallons of water spills out the bottom during flush. Discard the water and hope to hell that your babies pull through. Quicker reaction time with the knowledge of flushing is your best bet in the future, if those puppies are afew weeks into flower your pretty screwed on getting much more than a scraggly yeild from a plant that will spend the rest of its life cycle holding on to dear life, trying to correct itself while also trying to flower. Extremely debilitating to the plant itself. Bad tap water can also do some funny things to plants, but not nescessarily all of the plants may exhibit extreme signs of it, especially when using unknown seed or multiple strains. If your a us citizen or from a country that likes to put flouride chlorine or other harmful substances into the masses water supply, at very least let that water sit 24/48 hours before applying to your babys.


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a familiar problem with users of Fox Farm nutrients. Perhaps that brand does not come with micronutrients included. Well, where I come from there are quite a range of different brands of nutrients to choose from, Fox Farm is not one of them, but there sure are a lot of people on these forums using them and having deficiency problems. Maybe there is a connection.

I think you are right there is alot of people having problems with fox farm nutes, me as well I have been using fox farm for the last 5-6 years with no deficiency problem until the last few crops had to start using cal-mag to help out with the mag. deficiency. there is something going on

Red Eyed Willie

Active Member
I use FoxFarms and I follow the hydro schedule. Follow the schedule man. It works. It'll keep your PPM's down, way under the lock up realm. All you'll really need to do is adjust the pH. Ed says to keep your pH at 6.1 to 6.2 for a hydro system. He says some nutrients will still lock up under 6.1. Also feed them less. I use rock wool and water it once in the morning for 10 minutes, and once in the afternoon for 5 minutes.

Red Eyed Willie

Active Member
Now that 've read all your guys' posts, maybe there is something wrong with the latest batch F.F. has put out. You know, I've thinking about switching to Humboldt County's Finest, but I still have a lot left. Maybe I can get my clones up and going foxfarm and then flush and switch to Humboldt.....We'll see. I have a lot of Grow Big as well.....I can use that for mothers.....
Well, I said it in the title but I've been wracking my brain trying to diag mine and I see your pic that looks like mine, but guess what...still no answers, unless you figured it out. If you youre still on here, please advise and did you get an ok harvest out of it?


New Member
Id heavily wage that it is your soils ph creating either lockup of nutes or incompatibility altogether though overwatering and wet or poorly aerated soils could really compound that problem so it could be a nasty combo. Like several other posts said, and keep in mind for the future- FLUSH FLUSSSSHHHHHH. Flush any plant that ever gets close to exhibiting that behavior with enough water to adequately fill the pot its growing in one or two times over were it to not be filled with soil. 1 gallon pot? make sure a gallon or 1-1 1/2 gallons of water spills out the bottom during flush. Discard the water and hope to hell that your babies pull through. Quicker reaction time with the knowledge of flushing is your best bet in the future, if those puppies are afew weeks into flower your pretty screwed on getting much more than a scraggly yeild from a plant that will spend the rest of its life cycle holding on to dear life, trying to correct itself while also trying to flower. Extremely debilitating to the plant itself. Bad tap water can also do some funny things to plants, but not nescessarily all of the plants may exhibit extreme signs of it, especially when using unknown seed or multiple strains. If your a us citizen or from a country that likes to put flouride chlorine or other harmful substances into the masses water supply, at very least let that water sit 24/48 hours before applying to your babys.


New Member
Hi everyone, New to the forum. I have a similar problem with the leaves being spotted with brown and then curl up and die. I do use Fox farm soil. The only Nutrients I have used was a bloom Nut when they went into bloom.Trying to organic. So by reading everyones posts I'm assuming here that I flush my girls with water, my question here is how much water without hurting them.

Thank you all