LED lighting questions


Well-Known Member
Heres another place for the great debate. Are LED lights worth the investment?

The more I look into LEDs the more I notice the manufacturers don't advertise how much light these UFOs produce and I now see why.

At first glance I was looking at this UFO on Ebay and the spectrum coverage is damn near perfect. It also advertises it covers a 3x3 area. The problem I have with this is its listed as 3200 lumens, but in the video attached it looks like its produceing a whole hell of a lot more.

Anyone whose done any kind of research on light KNOW the visual appearance is not an accurate way to gauge the amount of light being produce because it needs to be measured in photons.

My question is even though this COVERS a 3x3 area how does a 3200 lumen light have any kind of comparison to a 65,000 lumen HID light?

The spectrum difference can't possibly compinsate for 61,800 less lumens can it?

Can somebody look at this and tell me what im missing or not understanding here?



Well-Known Member
Wouldn't less lumen produce less buds? or at the very least take a whole helluva lot longer to produce?
idk its supposed to provide the right light spectrum for the plants to grow lumens is just a way for us to measure brightness ... I still have no idea how led lights do in growing but am interested in them


In my personal experance, the only thing the led lights are good for is to keep my mother plant alive. For everthing eles, it sucks.