Lemon juice


New Member
Lemon Juice Will Lower Your Ph. Use A Couple Of Drops At A Time In Your Gallon And Retest To Get A Feel For How Much You Can Add.

Baking Soda Will Raise Your Ph. Use Sparingly.


Well-Known Member
Why not just go to a hydro store and buy some pH up and pH down? both are pretty cheap and you know the product you are using is designated for what u are using it for.


Sector 5 Moderator
LOL. Give it a shot man; it's organic, acidic and available. It's probably a lot more expensive than pH down tho. Let us know how it works. I'd be curious to know how long the pH stays down.


Well-Known Member
it costs about 60 pence and lasts ages,does the baking soda. plus it works ive tryed it a few times, only ever once or twice a grow. dep what the ph is,
lemon juice?. ive herd of people useing cheap crappy lemonade thats that about 29p per 2 liters. that does the same thing, but ive never done it, but i know a few that have, and swear by it, but. i wouldnt want to try it. i dont know enuf about it.


Sector 5 Moderator
I've got some white vinegar too. I might try that just for giggles too. Baking soda is about the purest pH down you can get; no need for fancy stuff there.


Well-Known Member
So i should just add a few drops to a gallon? Should i just keep adding untill the water is the right PH? What is the ideal PH for a plant in end flowering anyways?


Well-Known Member
So i should just add a few drops to a gallon? Should i just keep adding untill the water is the right PH? What is the ideal PH for a plant in end flowering anyways?
I use household white vinegar to lower pH, 5-8mL/gallon (depends if i'm mixing with ferts or not)

Just keep adding a few drops until the pH is right, thats the easiest method

My tap water has an abysmal pH of 8.1 (gotta love the hard country well water) but after adding the vinegar its between pH 6.5 - 6.6

I've never heard/seen changing the pH towards the end of flowering, thats a good question though


ph is balanced off of acidic - alkaline
to raise ph up hydrated lime
to lower ph down use magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt)


Active Member
I use like a teaspoon-ish of distilled white vinegar to ph down about 1.5 gallons from like 7.2 to about 6.5. I'll fill the pitcher, add the vinegar and let it kick it a couple days with the lid open a sliver to let the chlorine evap. Then I check it again before I use it and so far it's always been stable. =)


Sector 5 Moderator
So what do you think an antacid is? There are only acids and bases; that is pH up and pH down; acids and "antacids". How about learning some simple chemistry before you correct someone.


Active Member
Nothing wrong with using the white vinegar and baking soda, that's what I use, its CHEAP so why not? Why spend 10 bucks a liter of ph up then another 10 for ph down... when you have the same stuff sitting in your kitchen cupboards.


Well-Known Member
on the directions for grodan cubes theres a pic of a guy squirting lemon on cubes at the pH step,