lower leaves dying, stunted growth, and discolored edges.


almost 3 weeks old and only about an 1 1/2 inches in diameter. used random soil from seed then transplanted into MG organic and added perlite. growing some new guys using peat pellets. can this guy be saved?



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like it isnt doing well in that MG combo. I would get it out of there and get it a lot of water.


so just flush it alot? im using bottled water cuz i dont have rain water right now. should i just dump like a whole bottle on it?


Well-Known Member
Well that may do it but if you used MG time release nutrient soil then it will just make it worse caust time release is release when it get water. I bet thats its best chance and get it in some new soil soon.


this question might be dumb,but im high, but what if i cant see any roots on the outside of the MG should i try to break the dirt away till i see roots then transplant it into new soil?


Active Member
what you should do is get a garnering tool and cut around the edges of the pot and make it comfortable for you and the plant to move.
if you feel any tug on the roots just try not to damage them too much.


Active Member
Its done and will just waste time to be honest... Get some good soil and start fresh. Miracle grow for marijuana is bad because it has poor drainage, too many nutes, and Ph is waaaay off. Miracle grow can be used just takes some adjustments. I use Fox farm ocean forest and light warrior.


Active Member
Fox Farm makes 3 soils. Happy Frog, Ocean Forrest, and Light Warrior. You can just get a bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest... MG perlite is fine since its just perlite. Mix it about 75% Soil/ 25% Perlite. MG soil just avoid. Just not realiable I think but others have amazing success with it. Stick with Fox Farm Soils though... Fox Farm Ocean Forest will last 3 weeks in the container you put it in and all you have to do is get distilled, RO, or get your tap to 6.5 PH. If you are using tap water, get a small bottle at a fish store of water conditioner which eliminates chlorine and chloramine. Something like the picture in the attachment. Check out my grow to see the miracles of Organic Fox Farm Soils =] Message me anytime you have any questions.


dude youre the fucking greatest man. i used little peat pellets. when the seedlings get big enough to i put the little bag directly in a bigger pot or do i take the bad thing off?
i see this is from july and you probably have it all figured out now but in the future if you have plant with stunted growth you can usually save it by pinching the tops. worked for me a few times now. and with me every time growth was stunted it was because i put the too clse to the lights. i think its the high heat that does it. anywhoo hope this helps someone


what do u mean by pinching the tops. and that picture was taken today. so i can still pinch the tops if u think it will help


Active Member
Anytime =D
Place your seeds in a moistened paper towel folded in half. Add a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide if you have it to stop fungi growth(not needed though). Put the paper towel in a ziplock bag and ziplock it closed almost all the way. Place somewhere so the bag stays above 80F-85F. Check often to make sure it never dries out and you should have half inch roots in 48 hours. Try to avoid the peat pellets as I find they just constrict root growth and overall plant growth. Buy solo party cups(largest width wise, not height) and fill them half-way with a mixture 25% Perlite/ 75% Ocean Forrest. I say halfway because they will stretch the first 2 days and as they do, you can keep adding soil til there is about 1/2 inch of stem above ground. Drill some small hole around bottom edge of cups for drainage. Moisten the soil fairly well but slowly by filling up a spoon(tablespoon) Make sure to get a mister bottle also. Place the cracked seed pointy part down or root down and cover it with soil so it is no deeper then 1/4" inch. Slightly moisten soil. Then get cling-wrap ( clear plastic wrap) and cut it into like 5 inch squares. Mist the square cling wrap you cut and place it over the solo cup you prepared. Take a rubber band and secure the cling wrap around the brim of the top. You can poke a hole or two in the wrap. After the seed sprouts, leave the clear wrap on for maybe 2 days to make sure the seedling has all the moisture it needs. Make sure to keep the plastic wrap misted so it always has humidity and the soil moist so the seedling doesn't dry out. Consider day 1 the day the sprout pops through the soil, from day 1-3 you will most likely not need to water since the humidity domes will hold the soils water. After day 3 you can remove the plastic and let the plants grow like normal.At this point, the soil will dry out easier remember. Using this method, I have a 98% success rate with cracked seeds.


Active Member
Pinching the top I think he is referring to as topping. Cut the stem right below the new set of growth. Then 2 new sets of shoots will pop out making 2 main branches. To be honest though, those pictures show really bad problems that really stress the plant. That purple is sadly the result of nutrient problems and not purple genetics. If you did flower it, it would have a high chance of being male/hermie. =[ You can still start over and keep this guy going just to keep it.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I agree with what newb told you but one thing, I bought some MG perlite and it had nutrients added.
I tossed it and got some without nutrients for my grow. Just thought I would let ya know.


Active Member
Dude, I agree with what newb told you but one thing, I bought some MG perlite and it had nutrients added.
I tossed it and got some without nutrients for my grow. Just thought I would let ya know.
Woah really? Damn MiracleGrow Sorry for the bad info lost =/ Now I know myself to avoid MG perlite lol.


haha thanks guys! i think i found a place downtown that sells fox farms but its not open on weekends. so should i try to replant that guy in fox farms when i get it just for the heck of it? or is it a waste of soil and time.