mag def?


problem2.jpg problem1.jpg

not sure whats going on with her. buds look good not rot or anything but most for the bigger fans are getting these spots and yellowing.


Well-Known Member
look up leaf spot / leaf seporita . i think it might be from weeds near your house ... cal/mg foliar app or calcium nitrate foliar at lik 200-400 ppm would help boost it.

i say leaf spot cuz it is thruout the plant not just on old or new foliage... i would soil feed at like 400-800 ppm then foliar with 1-2 tlbs neem and dyna gro protek ...


tiger bloom. and there is thistle keeping them hidden from wondering eyes. now that you mention it my mother plant is on the other side of the property that is by itself


Well-Known Member
Your fan leafs are going to yellow and die.
the spots on them looks like a phosphorus Deficiency.
Your plant also looks a little lacking in (N) also.
I would also suggest using Cal/Mag every month just as a preventative.

When have a feed her?
what are you feeding her?
Is your soil pH in range?


Your fan leafs are going to yellow and die.
the spots on them looks like a phosphorus Deficiency.
Your plant also looks a little lacking in (N) also.
I would also suggest using Cal/Mag every month just as a preventative.

When have a feed her?
what are you feeding her?
Is your soil pH in range?
im feeding her tiger bloom. when they were in veg i gave them mg organic. its 5-0-0 when i started the tiger i stopped using mg. i flushed my soil today.


Well-Known Member
flushing is for toilets mang just hit them light and dont over saturate the soil it causes worse problems .
tiger bloom is fine and would not cause this unless all your plants fed this way look like this... key indicator...
light feedings ppms based on size with time for soils to dry a little bit (day or 2)


flushing is for toilets mang just hit them light and dont over saturate the soil it causes worse problems .
tiger bloom is fine and would not cause this unless all your plants fed this way look like this... key indicator...
light feedings ppms based on size with time for soils to dry a little bit (day or 2)
this one i only feed twice a week if that, the soil stays moist it soaks it up but does not get dry like my others. and to top it off i moved them to a diff location today and snapped a branch right off the stock. so i got that drying