Marijuana as an Antidepressant and Anti-Anxiety Medication


Well-Known Member
My psychologist recently tells me that despite the adverse effects experienced while on the drug, Celexa may still be a viable option compared to medicinal Marijuana..... I wake up, have my coffee and go from there. Check my e-mail, make the bed, take a shower.Get dressed, walk the dog. Smoke a bowl of a nice Sativa. Eat breakfast. Go through-out my day and make sure things go as planned and successfully to boot. Eat lunch, have a puff of Sativa. I've got a great attitude and my anxiety and depression is under control. My general interaction with people is sincere and genuine. I don't hesitate to become a problem solver when things get tense. Witout getting tense my self. I come home from my day, walk the dog again, have a beer, take a couple more puffs and start making dinner. I eat my dinner and spend time with old lady talking about our days. Clean up from making dinner and then go have my one cigarette of the day. Come inside, take another shower, roll up an Indica. Smoke that joint, lay in bed and read. Sleep......


I wake up, have my coffee and go from there. Check my e-mail, make the bed, take a shower. Get dressed, walk the dog. Take my celexa. I want more coffee. Go through-out my day and things better friggin go the way I plan. Not really hungry for lunch. I'm dealing with the same assholes I saw yesterday and my "pack dominance" is starting to take over. I don't hesitate to tell people how to do their job. I come home from my day and push the dog off of me as she greets me at the door. I open a beer and don't really like it because it isn't cold enough, and now I don't feel like making dinner. I end up eating left-overs and complain about my day to my old lady. Take a piss, and smoke my 4th cigarette of the evening. Come inside and take a shower, and go to bed and start reading. I can't get to sleep.

Does someone else but me think my shrink is full of shit?


Well-Known Member
of course he is. doctors are just agents of the pharmaceutical industy. the more medicine prescribed, the more money big pharma makes. if the plant could be patented they would be singing a different tune. but of course, you cant patent nature.


Well-Known Member
Money is money and we all have to get it some how. Fortunately my med plan covers this asshole. My frusteration is the ultimate bias towards pharm drugs. Because, after all, where would doctors be without their medicine?


Well-Known Member
To add to the thread : Is there anyone else that is under pressure, despite obvious postive results of Marijuana as a therapy, to start/continue a prescription drug regimine? If so, what are your feelings towards the whole thing?


Well-Known Member
but do you really need to go now that you know marijuana is helping? i'd tell the doc to shove it that he's not your body and marijuana in fact does help.


Well-Known Member
I've sought help due to circumstances. Clincially I'm diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder among other under-lying issues. I spent years and years denying obvious things that can't be worked out by just using marijuana.


Well-Known Member
As am I. Anyone with a "Blue Collar" position. I couldn't tell you how hard it was to suck it up and go to the psych doc.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
To add to the thread : Is there anyone else that is under pressure, despite obvious postive results of Marijuana as a therapy, to start/continue a prescription drug regimine? If so, what are your feelings towards the whole thing?
*raises hand* yooo.

Yeah those around me occasionally tell me I should go to a shrink to talk and get prescribed some shit. I just ignore them and keep doing what I'm doing. I've been down the medication road before when young, never again. My life would be a lot worse without weed, I might not even be alive right now if it wasn't for weed.


New Member
I have suffered with depression and anxiety for many years, it gets so bad that I can hardly sleep at night. I jump when I hear someone slamming a car door. I can't go out without my boyfriend. I have isolated myself from all my friends bar 1. The thought of going out on my own petrifies me. I'm no good in social situations.... But when I get a smoke I feel so much more relaxed, my problems don't get ontop of me. I have to get valium from my doctor when I goto visit my family, who live 3 hours away.
Sorry, don't mean this to sound like a self pity post.
But anyway....I don't know what I'd do without it. <3 the smoke!!


Active Member
Yeah man I was on Celexa Risperidone aka risperdal and clonazepam I just recently stopped taking all of them because the adverse side affects and punishment on my liver smoking a nice indica at night helps me with my sleep and relaxation and anxiety I mostly love indicas at nightime but during the day a nice sativa helps me alot too I think they really need to evaluate medicinal marijuana for depression and anxiety it really does help me and is way healthier than taking all these damn medications everyday ....

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Very strong words man. Thanks for dropping in. Any other thoughts?

Yeah man, if you ever feel a breakdown coming. Or whatever you call it (an apex of whatever disorder your currently dealing with) just go smoke a fat sativa joint. Sometimes I feel some shit coming on, and I get so mad at myself I don't want to let myself smoke, so I ignore my impulses to not smoke and I do (I'd say I'm sort of bipolar but I've since come to some realizations and can control it with the help of herb). I've since realized that burning a fat one will make you forget about what you were so distressed about, and it's not just a temporary reliever. You feel fresh and new and completely straightened out afterwords, and I am usually good for weeks after that. For me it's like smoking out before a breakdown/during is like reset switch on my brain. Like I said, your not just fine until you come down, your fine for a while, even without more weed (but more is always good too ;) )

PM me if you want to talk dude


Well-Known Member
chiming in,
Im diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolor do, with agoraphobia, and three other anxiety do, and also fybromyalgia, shremens kyphosis and 4 bulging disks. i have been on every anti depressant and the medications seem to do me worse than good, not to mention that most of them have made my problems worse by a long shot, also i take alot of muscle relaxers and pain relievers. that don't really work after the first week of taking them.
I to see a psychiatrist and a therapist. that both scorn me for using the benefits of medical cannabis and i get threats on a weekly basis that there gonna call dcfs on me and take my kids away. with that being said.
My neurologist had just recommended me to use because he knew that ive used in the past and said that it has proven to be the best to provide relief from pain, anxiety, bipolar symptoms, muscle relaxation,and help with sleeping, and that is most of my problems. and for my doc to say this could get his medical lic taken away because its not legal in my state so.
and it also seems that every one weather or not they liked me smoking or not, like mom and family, all say that i was a better person while i was smoking than being on the medication. so do this ask your friends and family what they feel, and better yet, you pretty much said that your life is easier smoking than swallowing a hand full of liver killing poison that doesn't work.
and the same as someone else had said if u need to talk add me and write away bro. hope i helped a bit.


Well-Known Member
chiming in,
Im diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolor do, with agoraphobia, and three other anxiety do, and also fybromyalgia, shremens kyphosis and 4 bulging disks. i have been on every anti depressant and the medications seem to do me worse than good, not to mention that most of them have made my problems worse by a long shot, also i take alot of muscle relaxers and pain relievers. that don't really work after the first week of taking them.
I to see a psychiatrist and a therapist. that both scorn me for using the benefits of medical cannabis and i get threats on a weekly basis that there gonna call dcfs on me and take my kids away. with that being said.
My neurologist had just recommended me to use because he knew that ive used in the past and said that it has proven to be the best to provide relief from pain, anxiety, bipolar symptoms, muscle relaxation,and help with sleeping, and that is most of my problems. and for my doc to say this could get his medical lic taken away because its not legal in my state so.
and it also seems that every one weather or not they liked me smoking or not, like mom and family, all say that i was a better person while i was smoking than being on the medication. so do this ask your friends and family what they feel, and better yet, you pretty much said that your life is easier smoking than swallowing a hand full of liver killing poison that doesn't work.
and the same as someone else had said if u need to talk add me and write away bro. hope i helped a bit.
This was nice to read. I feel all that. Fortunately I'm in a medical marijuana state and I'm sorry it's not so easy for you. It sucks knowing that this one thing helps so much but everyone tells you that you can't have it. I was there at one point. Just because I know my family's stance on the whole thing I am not open about it with them. For your doctor to make such open threats is irresponsible. Regardless of legal status it sounds like you need whatever help you can get and he isn't doing that for you/ The fact that everything surrounding cannabis as medicine is so contraversial makes most people stray away. It works, it's proven to not kill people and it's proven to be easily and cheaply produced. It bums me out to know all of this and see people in your position. Practically hastled by anyone and everyone you bring it up to.


Active Member
chiming in,
Im diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolor do, with agoraphobia, and three other anxiety do, and also fybromyalgia, shremens kyphosis and 4 bulging disks. i have been on every anti depressant and the medications seem to do me worse than good, not to mention that most of them have made my problems worse by a long shot, also i take alot of muscle relaxers and pain relievers. that don't really work after the first week of taking them.
I to see a psychiatrist and a therapist. that both scorn me for using the benefits of medical cannabis and i get threats on a weekly basis that there gonna call dcfs on me and take my kids away. with that being said.
My neurologist had just recommended me to use because he knew that ive used in the past and said that it has proven to be the best to provide relief from pain, anxiety, bipolar symptoms, muscle relaxation,and help with sleeping, and that is most of my problems. and for my doc to say this could get his medical lic taken away because its not legal in my state so.
and it also seems that every one weather or not they liked me smoking or not, like mom and family, all say that i was a better person while i was smoking than being on the medication. so do this ask your friends and family what they feel, and better yet, you pretty much said that your life is easier smoking than swallowing a hand full of liver killing poison that doesn't work.
and the same as someone else had said if u need to talk add me and write away bro. hope i helped a bit.
Yeah man I feel ya im bad but not that bad ive been on a ton of different antidepressants myself some that almost drove me to insanity those pills are nothing but horrible man .... I can tell you some horror stories from me being on those depressants.... hopefully florida in 2012 will be a medical marijuana state we need signatures and donations please anyone in florida or anyone willing to help the movement go to