Marijuana as an Antidepressant and Anti-Anxiety Medication

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
My psychologist recently tells me that despite the adverse effects experienced while on the drug, Celexa may still be a viable option compared to medicinal Marijuana..... I wake up, have my coffee and go from there. Check my e-mail, make the bed, take a shower.Get dressed, walk the dog. Smoke a bowl of a nice Sativa. Eat breakfast. Go through-out my day and make sure things go as planned and successfully to boot. Eat lunch, have a puff of Sativa. I've got a great attitude and my anxiety and depression is under control. My general interaction with people is sincere and genuine. I don't hesitate to become a problem solver when things get tense. Witout getting tense my self. I come home from my day, walk the dog again, have a beer, take a couple more puffs and start making dinner. I eat my dinner and spend time with old lady talking about our days. Clean up from making dinner and then go have my one cigarette of the day. Come inside, take another shower, roll up an Indica. Smoke that joint, lay in bed and read. Sleep......


I wake up, have my coffee and go from there. Check my e-mail, make the bed, take a shower. Get dressed, walk the dog. Take my celexa. I want more coffee. Go through-out my day and things better friggin go the way I plan. Not really hungry for lunch. I'm dealing with the same assholes I saw yesterday and my "pack dominance" is starting to take over. I don't hesitate to tell people how to do their job. I come home from my day and push the dog off of me as she greets me at the door. I open a beer and don't really like it because it isn't cold enough, and now I don't feel like making dinner. I end up eating left-overs and complain about my day to my old lady. Take a piss, and smoke my 4th cigarette of the evening. Come inside and take a shower, and go to bed and start reading. I can't get to sleep.

Does someone else but me think my shrink is full of shit?
Amen brotha!

There are times when I need to be on my A-game when bud just simply isn't appropriate, but when the time is right, it is BY FAR the best anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med out there. I've used Xanax in the past and tried to use that for managing stress/anxiety during the day, hoping the make smoking more of an evening ritual. Nowhere near the same as cannabis! Doc ended up taking me off prescription meds and endorsed my medical marijuana card! =)


Well-Known Member
Amen brotha!

There are times when I need to be on my A-game when bud just simply isn't appropriate, but when the time is right, it is BY FAR the best anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med out there. I've used Xanax in the past and tried to use that for managing stress/anxiety during the day, hoping the make smoking more of an evening ritual. Nowhere near the same as cannabis! Doc ended up taking me off prescription meds and endorsed my medical marijuana card! =)
Congratulations on the endorsement. It's great to see folks catch relief every once in a while..Especially since we're basically dealing with a bunch of goons(Pharm Industtry). It's also more of a good thing to see a Doc write off on it like that. A general practitioner. That's saying something about his character because most doctors are biased toward the drug companies.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Congratulations on the endorsement. It's great to see folks catch relief every once in a while..Especially since we're basically dealing with a bunch of goons(Pharm Industtry). It's also more of a good thing to see a Doc write off on it like that. A general practitioner. That's saying something about his character because most doctors are biased toward the drug companies.
Agreed ... Hopefully that bias will change in the future more and more, and I think it will kinda be treated like other herbal remedies. If you goto the doc sick, he will gladly put you on antibiotics or whatnot, but if you so much as mention Echinacea with Goldenseal for immune system strength or Ginger Root for upset stomachs n nausea, a lot will just blow the idea off. I had one that would kinda dance around it and say "well i guess you could take it, but..."

Pharma companies will fight the legalization as hard as they can, and while they will never go away, they will need to find a way to coexist with the cannabis market. Why not liquify THC, put it into pill form, and sell it along with Xanax & Viagra n all that bullshit?


Well-Known Member
They do make synthetic THC pills, Marinol to name one. They don't do the same thing and I would hardly call them useful for anything marijuana would usually treat. You can't mimic what the plant does naturally. You just can't.
howzer, if you dont mind me asking, what strains do you prefer for you sativa "day-smoke", im in the same boat as you, just got my medical card and trying to get off antidepressants and go a more natural route.


Active Member
i've been on celexa before, and it def helped me keep an even keel. the only drawbacks i had with it, is that it made me gain weight. not a lot, but after being on it for over 2 years, i had gained a significant amount of weight. the other "drawback" depending on how you interpret it, is that it fucks with your sex life. it made me take FOREVER to reach orgasm. obv none of my girlfriends over that time complained at all :) i thought i was just a stallion till i found out it was a side-effect of the celexa :) i won't lie tho sometimes that shit would be very very frustrating.

God's Balls

Active Member
Try martial arts. Nothing beats tweaking your wiring naturally. Then puff some kush for the sore muscles! :)

Pharms do have their place. Just remember, the pill industry hires sorority girls with useless English/PR degrees to charm your doctor with "features and benefits" all day long. Tax-deductible lunch, anyone?


Well-Known Member
DMT, smoke or in the form of ayauasca is to me still the pinacle in depression combat, it works regardless if the experience is positive or not. Although I find the more intense the experience the longer the effect... I've been good for months now.... very unusual.