Marijuana doesn't harm lung function, study says


Well-Known Member
yeah im sure we can all testify to smoking one joint a week here. *he says thinking back to the 'how much do you smoke' thread where he'd wonder how people smoked 2/3 ounces a month*

maybe they just make really... really big joints that they smoke weekly does that work?


Well-Known Member
On average, cigarette users smoked about 9 cigarettes daily, while average marijuana use was only a joint or two a few times a month — typical for
marijuana users, Smoking marijuana as often as one joint daily for seven years, or one joint weekly for 20 years was not linked with worse scores.

They should have done this test on more frequent users. Any news like this I feel is good news for our cause but its kinda
scued in my eyes. Its like doing a health test on some one who eats a twinkie once or twice a week versus some one who eats Mc Donalds twice a day every day. I'm curious what the results would have been for some one who smokes 9 joints a day.


Well-Known Member
On average, cigarette users smoked about 9 cigarettes daily, while average marijuana use was only a joint or two a few times a month — typical for
marijuana users, Smoking marijuana as often as one joint daily for seven years, or one joint weekly for 20 years was not linked with worse scores.

They should have done this test on more frequent users. Any news like this I feel is good news for our cause but its kinda
scued in my eyes. Its like doing a health test on some one who eats a twinkie once or twice a week versus some one who eats Mc Donalds twice a day every day. I'm curious what the results would have been for some one who smokes 9 joints a day.
9 joints a day wouldnt be typical for the majority and not fair compared to 9 cigarettes. we can assume you need less joints than cigs, but for 'regular' use maybe 3 daily as a good starting base? excluding medical use

beans davis

Well-Known Member
I have a degree in respiratory therapy,anything smoked harms lung function.Don't kid yourself.
OutlawR6 hit the nail right on the head.


Well-Known Member
well regular use for me can easily be up to an ounce a week, and alot of my friends are near that as well. i'm curious for my own health and wish there was more factual info about it. if your going to take the time and effort to do a 20 year study on something, i feel it should have been a bit more in depth and covered a few more bases.
Come on now do you think the people that smoked 1 joint a week ACTUALLY smoked 1 joint a week?

Thats how I picture doctors and weed.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
Vaporize and don't worry about it.Even if you smoke joints(bongs are much cleaner) it's relativly safe compared to smoking cigarettes.So don't let it stop you from getting high.


Well-Known Member
Just read this on yahoo and was here to post it up! glad to see stuff like this making the major news outlets, slowly over time the stigma will be reversed to the truth. Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
and people around the world rejoice with common-sense subjects becoming scientifically proven in all aspects!! wohoo science!