Master Kush


New Member
I've had enough of these master kush now. So I'm going to clone them all and get them into flower within the next couple of days. Has to be in a few days as they're due a water and I want them to get over the stress of the slicing they are about to endure. If one of them's a mom I'll turn one of the clones into a mom instead.

I doubt it. The two best plants are def' male. Still a little unsure about number 4, but we'll see.


New Member
Taken 4 clones from each of the four plants and placed them into flower. That way if any of the plants do turn out to be a good mom, I'll have one of her clones to bring through to replace her.

Pic's on the way tomorrow.


Active Member
I thought of that afterwards, Oh well I have 4 of her clones outside right now.I'm looking for a pretty decent harvest end of this month and beginning of next. I have a Bubba Haze in flowering also, she's also in a 8 gallon pot, I have limited spacing in the house & yard thought best to flower those huge beauties now. Keep the others outside short and bushy.


New Member
Ok, quite a bit's been happening with the plants and i've been too busy to log it down.

I took 16 clones on the 1st july, with no rooting hormone and by the 6th most had rooted. WOW. I've never had it happen this quickly before and I can only put it down to the genetics of the plant.

I've also pulled numbers 2 and 4 as they are males and thrown their rooted clones in the bin. Shame really, as number 2 was a beautiful male and if I had the room to start breeding this is the male I would have chosen. It seems number 1 is going to be a fem', a very, very sativa like phenotype, at least in the way it grows. Meaning it's leaf has some indica characteristics.

My hope now rests on number 5, which I also reckon is going to be a male. Fuck. That leaves number 3, which is a freak but def' a fem'. And number 1. I mean this plant (number 1) is stretching more than my grapefruit did and grapefruit is a pure sativa. WTF?

So as moms, number 1 and 3 are not too clever. Number 3 because it's a complete freak, and number 1 because it's tall and skinny. I still have my chronic x white russian to bring through, but my fingers are getting itchier every day in regards to buying a new strain in.


New Member
I fed them their first flowering feed just before I killed the 2 males.

Here's the nute make-up, this into 9litres water.

Sensi Bloom A, 13ml
Sensi Bloom B, 13ml
Voodoo Juice, 30ml
Sensizym, 45ml
carboload, 10ml
Barricade, a drop
Superthrive, 2 drops

This will be their last feed with the voodoo juice. I've also bought a bottle of final phase as i can then wait till the final week of flower before starting to flush. This will help a lot also in my dwc grows.


New Member
Here are the pic's, not much to note except the size and shape of number 1. she's a def' fem'. But I'm a little suspiscious she may turn out to be a ladyboy.

Plant number 3 seems to be growing out of her freakiness and I've taken 4 clones off her just in case she does end up the only fem'. She's been in flower longer than the others but these guys had nothing on them (no pistils or preflowers).

I've also taken a pic' of the clones and one of the rooted master kush.

Excellent. all 3 uploaded instantly. I must say i'm impressed with this lately. I've been having no problems whatsoever.



Well-Known Member
The clones look great!

The plants look like they are getting a little tall... are you going to do any bending?


New Member
The clones look great!

The plants look like they are getting a little tall... are you going to do any bending?
It's just number 1 that is causing a problem. I've been thinking about bending her straight in half. What's holding me back is that I want to make sure she's not a hermy before blocking up any of her nodes.

But yes, I really must consider tying her soon. Thanks for looking in.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've just set up my flower tent with some nylon netting for SCROGing. I may change it out for some 3x3 rabbit wire fencing (it is stronger and I am thinking will make for a more even canopy).

And I think I learned to WAIT!


New Member
Did I mention number 5's gone? well it has. That leaves me with my worst nightmare, number 1 and number 3. Number 3 is a fucked-up mess and number 1 wants to be a man. What shitty luck. I've misplaced the other seeds too, so no more Kush. I've cloned number 3 and number 1. I'll try each in a bubbler (as I've always found plants behave much differently in this environment) to see which is best. to be honest i think it'll be number 3, she may have fucked up leaves but at least she's all woman.

I've given them a plain water feed today, as it is not time for the next feed but they're drinking very healthily. I'll post pic's later.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to know has anyone harvested this MK yet? I'm finishing my 5th week and they're large and in charge. I'm letting them go to week 8, but honestly its killing me! I'm not a couch lock effect type person, I'm a more of a giddy high all head.... What to do, what to do. I really need help on this.... I know 8 week isn't far off, but I'm more like a week 7ish type gal...



New Member
She's looking nice. def' go to week 8, maybe beyond. If you get tempted there are a few smaller branches you could take. This will make all the growth go into the main colas.


Active Member
Thanks, I'm a try! I will definetly go to week eight, I doubt beyond! I have a Haze plant that will benefit from the HPS. I've got her flowering under CFLS
3x 42wtts 2800 lumens ea.(Red spectrum) and 1x 125watts (red spectrum) and doing well. But the last 3-4 weeks will benefit under HPS. (1000w)1st pct-Haze
2nd pct-Mk-closeup

