May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!


Well-Known Member
Is he the guy with the psychotic break where he ran around in circles throwing stones at a supreme being and thus defeating said supreme being or just leading people around lost in a desert and parting waters like i dream of genie? And he's the guy who lost the tablets that were super super important, the only things we really really weren't supposed to do. Things SO SO important they were written on __big stone tablets___ you couldn't possibly loose. But he lost them anyway.

And god couldn't find them of course either, so he made new ones, but the words and whole meaning changed because god forgot the first set he choose them so loosely?

Or what?

I forget how it really goes originally. Supposedly...

Can we get quick summary of what he did without a book and full clinical diagnoses?

Unfit for trial, couldn't get the death penalty.