

Active Member
Yep im blind. I have never done this before. lol. Lighing info was vauge and i said that more was needed. I have kept a mother as a house plant for about a year, no lighting, just left the lamp on next to the plant at night. As for MG after using it many times I do not like it or it other products. Its time release formulas that are incorporated into their soils, vermiculite etc. has burned plants, seedlings, and clones, and have had other diffiulties with MG, and good results from FF. No one should so defensive with a recomendation, that is what we are all here for advice from people who have tried different things. Smoke one and chill out all of you. 24 hrs is fine, get better growth, i havent noticed any side effects since i have changed the veg chamber a few months ago, just nice lush green plants. BTW my tukey manure pellets are the shit for my outdoor plants. A little less ignorance and a little more friendly excahange of knowledge and information is what this thread needs.


Active Member
wow man, so much ish being said guys , i aint even use grammar on dis biatch... first off a seedling grows fast in darkness cough... seedling ,meaning seed or lil bipedal mofo... second once its planted it should be in 18-24 hour light... and yea there is a 1, 2 strains that can bud like that but its not likely u got that especially since ur not that experienced no1's gonna give u da dat good shit... unless its from weed u smoked. and 3rdly miracle gro is aight still... juz dont believe that smoking part lol, ever get the danks that u just can't hold down?


Active Member
My friend, there is legitimately a zero percent chance that your friend has grown ANY bud with any number of incandescent light bulbs. It just doesn't work properly. (I know everyone has said this, but in the growFAQ it explains why extremely well)

In regards to the 24/0 or 18/6 light/dark cycles, for someone thats using incandescent lights, it really isnt going to matter, because at this point, it seems like you're dabbling in this whole growing your own thing. If you were really going to split hairs about what the light schedule is, then I would put some effort into getting better lights.

I have a friend of mine who is growing some plants under the bathroom florescent tube lighting. He has a total of 4 48 inch lights, and they are growing pretty well (He even started the seedlings under incandescent lights too). For under 30 bucks, you can get the fixture and the lights at walmart, but pay in cash, and while you're there, get the 7 dollar timer.


Active Member
yeah nubzor is right..your friend lied.:joint:
he did do it tho, it may not have meen super incondesent or however its spelled but i know it was like a normal light bulb... he was also growing romulan... and apparently its a fairly easy plant with high yeild... but yah i'm Planning on new lights and pretty much everything.. in the past 2 days I've tripled my knowlege about growing... i thought i had an idea what i was doing... now i understand... haha I think I'm gonna see if i can get a light tomorrow, and getting some new soil and another new pot cause the one i have might be too small after the next little bit... but yah... 250Watt sodium bulb good for 2 plants also I have been growing for over a month and my plants seem to be growing a bit slower. maybe I'm gonna take the light off them tonight.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion...People who say miraclegro doesnt work or isnt good are the people who havent experienced with it and have experience with products like FoxFarm etc.

Yes miraclegro does work! and can do wonders!
Soil isnt everything! but its a big part on growing good buds.
also care for your plant as if its your own kid. Feed it,talk to it, maybe even take it to school? LMFAO

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Call me crazy..... thanks, is the first one free? - hahahaha

It seems to me that many people try to point noobs down a road they do not wish to travel. I read alot. My job allows me to read alot. FAQs are my friend. I spent several weeks reading all the great articles in the FAQ section. Something that I have learned from reading FAQs and the forums is that there is always more than one way to do things. I saw many people advising that to be successful with the first grow, I should try soil as opposed to hydro or aero. So my first grow was in soil. Not sure what to make of the parade of different soil mixes, I settled on a soil mixture with no added nutrients. I mix 2 parts soil, 1 part vermiculite and 1 part pearlite. I had one grow that was not great, but was acceptable followed by 2 successful grows. I have been keeping it simple and love the therapeutic value of indoor growing. Each grow is a little better.

I guess the point I am trying to make, is that no matter how frustrating, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. I appreciate all the advice I was given even though you had no idea you were helping me. The vast amount of experience here makes it pretty hard to fail if one does their homework.

Thanks Again - I would go on longer but I need to read more about nutes in the FAQ's. I could get really crazy and use the site search function. Nahhhhh, help me..... but I don't want to read......


Active Member
I've been using MG and I haven't had any problums, no nute burn no nothing

I want to get some stuff that isnt MG for my next type of soil I'm gonna use something more natural.... maybe... I have the box of all purpose plant nutrients and stuff from Miricle grow and i have been mixing like 1/4 strength... So all in all I think i have decided to go with a good ol' au natural soil... might make it worth it for the smoke.:hump::joint: