Most Offensive Thread Ever

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Well-Known Member
I want you to post the most offensive thing that you believe is true but you think most others would think poorly of you for thinking.

Don't give reasons for your belief, don't explain it, just state it. That's kind of the experiment. Can you say out loud what even you think is an offensive thought and let it survive. If so then stick with your beliefs.

To keep it simple here are the rules; you can only use one sentence and please do not comment on other's statements unless that is your offensive thing of course.

I want it to be just a simple post of your thought so others can quickly read them so PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN YOUR BELIEF SENTENCE!

No debate, just thought posts. This is your chance to be heard without being shouted down so go for it.

Here's mine...


Well-Known Member
I'm a libertarian atheist and I think that women that have abortions for anything but life threating or rape reasons are murderers.


New Member
this is for the lil wayne lovers

lil wayne is one ugly looking ass monkey motherfucker who speaks ebonics and jiberish he sounds like a dieing cow his voice is so annoying and any of ya'll that thinks he got rhyme talent y'all have no idea what talent is


Active Member
i think new york city asian people are the smelliest people on the planet and they are all disgusting. oh yea and black people deserve all the bad rep they get


Well-Known Member
To Christians: You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs-though excluding those in all rival sects-will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "Tolerant" and "Loving".


Active Member
the police should do a better job...doing things that when people rear end you in a 2 week old car and they dont appologize!
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