Moving my plant from pot to garden ?


Well-Known Member
right, ive started these plants inside my garage under a skylight with the intention of planting them in my garden when they get a little bigger + stronger. I just used my local hardware store's brand of multi-purpose compost.
My plan is to dig a hole in my garden big enough to put the pot in, when its dug take the plant out of the pot and place it in the hole and just fill it round with soil.
will that be ok to do ? the shock from compost to soil wont effect it too much will it ?
My first grow and i just want make sure im doing everything right.
Lee :leaf:


Active Member
My plan is to dig a hole in my garden big enough to put the pot in, when its dug take the plant out of the pot and place it in the hole and just fill it around with soil.
That's how it's suppose to be done. You shouldn't have any problems.


Well-Known Member
oh right i thought that i was right, but i didnt know if i should dig a hole twice as big or even 3 times and fill that with the multi purpose compost that ive been using so when i plant it its surrounded by its original compost.


New Member
yea dig a big hole for the roots to dig down into. It'll make the dirt less compact and easier for the roots to grow into. Like 2 or 3 feet down I'd say. Might wanna mix perlite and vermiculite too


Well-Known Member
i like what you suggested about digging further down to loosen the dirt. i might do that and just put a little bit of whats left of my compost in the hole aswell! thanks!


Well-Known Member
i usually dig a hole a place the whole pot in the hole and fill in around it. after i water down the pot and around it wait till all the water soaks in and pull the pot back out. i remove the plant with the dirt from the pot as one piece that is the shape of the pot it came out of and drop it in the hole and fill in around it. drops in almost perfect every time. some perlite in there would be a good idea too.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't plant that way...sorry. dig the hole about 30" wide and 18" deep. improve the backfill with composted cow manure or something from home depot. use alot of it. mix thoroughly and add a handful of Epsom salts and a handful of dolomite lime...again, all home depot and place the unpotted plant into the hole, loosening up any roots at the bottom. backfill slowly and compact the backfill as you go. till it's all planted, then create a saucer like shape around the plant so any rain can be directed towards the roots.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dannyboy!
EDIT: it rained alot this morning until about 2pm and then it was red hot sunshine till about 6pm. When it dropped dark i went with my initial idea and just dug a hole out, put a bit of compost here there and everywere put the plant in and put some more compost around the sides of it to make it well into the ground. Theres quite alot of bracken and nettles around were ive planted it so you could see alot of fresh dirt i just snapped a few bracken branches off and put then around the plant's so its got a bit of camo ;). Dont worry, i didnt put all my eggs in 1 basket i planted them a good 100 yards apart. and i know exactly were they are. Good luck to my babies.