My 1st BubblePonics


Well-Known Member
The leaves didn't look improved from yesterday, and I have heard that they can make a 180 turn around in under 24 hrs if the problem is corrected.
I don't know what the droopiness is caused from, definitely not under/over watering.. all the others are ok and the one with the most yellow/droopy is one with established roots-to-drink.
Read that yellowing leaves with dark green veins can indicate over-feeding of nitrogen. No surprise there as my ppm's have been close to 1000 for the past 2 weeks.
Flushed the just-flushed reservoirs, lol - reduced lucas formula to 3ml-Micro/6ml-Bloom. ppm's steady at 550
pH 5.6-5.8
temp 72-77

Here are some pics.. hope Barea gets his/her shit together, I threw out Forlan last night, the tap root was fucked. The last pic you can really see the green veins.. and the difference between those and the leaf.. hope I got the problem pegged, any and all feedback is appreciated



Well-Known Member
Keep your ppm steady at 550 and you are good to go. Just keep reading the plants for what they want.


Well-Known Member
I flushed that res, took out all the nutrients so its just straight tap water pH'd. The ppm's are still around 500, so idk. Barea has lost like all rigidity in his/her leaves. They look fucked, and are all yellow. The main stem is still pretty stiff, but not a dry stiff. There are like two leaves that were just coming out that have survived, but are tiny. the others look terrible, I'll get some pics on here later tonight.
_ "Nowitzki" started to droop a little, and is scaring the shit out of me. the others look like they have started to recover some of their color.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of problems is just hard water. I was reading a lot about the issues hard water can cause and the list goes on and on. You can try and and mixing spring or distilled water 50/50 with your tap water. That way you don't run up your bill on purchased water and still get the results you want. The main problem is all the salts in the tap water, it causes lock up before your plants even have a chance.

Remember seeds do not need any food at all for the first 2 weeks of life. And I mean 0ppm is fine for 2 weeks. Anything else and we can start early problems. With some experience you can discover a mix that is safe for young seedlings, but it is best to play it safe at all times when we are fresh to the scene. If it is past the 2 week point and they look crappy, buy some 1-1-1 NPK B1 fertilizer. Mix it with some store bought distilled water and all your problems should clear up. Keep the PPM lower than 500. They do not like the hard water at all, your strains are minimalist it appears. You can grow full sized plants on 500ppm, of course your dissolved solids probably aren't appropriate to give a full sized plant a balanced diet.

You do need to compensate your feeding program for higher PPM, so it is wise for you to probably cut your water in half. I read a assload on this earlier today.


Well-Known Member
Barea was a good plant. He tried his best to grow wonderful fan leaves, and was one of the most promising candidates for my future Mother-Board. (I am making a styrofoam apparatus for my mothers). That being said, he turned out to be a pussy, and looks like the potato famine up in this bitch. Goodbye Barea - "Legends never die dude, and I'll tell your story."

The others look fine. Two smaller ones are JackHammer sprouts.

Fun activity! - Can you guess which one is Barea?



Well-Known Member
Oh man, Barea in the garbage can!

I don't recommend lowering half your water, I recommend mixing your tap water half/half with purified water. If you wanted to you could dump out half your existing water if you already have purified water measured out to replace it with, so your roots don't dry out. They shouldn't dry out as long as the inside of your chamber stays humid and turbulent enough, anyways, but it's best to keep the water level high and keep those rope-like roots from forming.

But seriously dude, your water is fucking plant poison the way it is. It's becoming more and more apparent to me.


Remember seeds do not need any food at all for the first 2 weeks of life
He's right, bud. Your seeds actually store nutrients for your babies. Just another one of the amazing survival mechanisms if cannabis. By your sprouts feeding off their stored nutrients for the first two weeks it helps to ensure they will continue to grow and develop tap roots. Once these roots are developed it's time for your babies to start feeding from their surroundings.

Keep giving them nothing but pure, balanced H2O until you're ready to transplant. It's very possible that your sprouts have suffered because of the nuted water and changing things up on them. Hope things work of well!

TD :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys.
I took out my shitty tap water, and put in some store bought filtered water. I noticed the pH of the store bought stuff was much closer to 7 neutral than my tap, which is like 10+. 1 gal of my tap water need 5-6ml of pH downer. Thats a full Walgreens syringe..Anyways, the water isn't cloudy as fuck anymore.. it looks like water, which is pretty cool. The store bought filtered only needed 4ml of pH downer for 3 gal. There was all sorts of shit going on with my tap water.. it was also strange to find the alkalinity coming back up after like 24 hrs. It would bump from 5.8 back to 7. Crazy. I looked at the tapwater pdf again and there are some small amounts of radioactive fucking particles that I didn't know about existing in my tap, so it looks like Primo filtered water has a new customer for life.
Here are some more pics.. Barea still looks dead. So do the other 2 seedlings in the back of res A.
Res "the tits" B has 4 very good looking girls. Hopefully.



Well-Known Member
Okay partner, here we go! I went ahead and germinated 12 seeds because I hadn't been using them for a while. I had a low stock, but with a little bit of pixie dust I suddenly found myself with an extra 20 of each! I also through a few bag seeds in there. 1 bag seed didn't germ (Ice), so I only have 11 seedlings. That is fine, more than I need... but I went ahead and started germing Pineapple Kush seed that was gifted to me for the hell of it. From what I hear this particular specimen is the last of it's kind and amazing. So I'm stoked to see if it cracks! I also have a old grow partner germinating our 2 Grape Cough seeds, so if I get males I will have those as a back up, because they are fem.

5 Grape Krush on the left, and we have 4 White Berry up front on the right, the two in the back on the right are: Grubby's Stash, a excellent strain (or so I've been told) grown by Grubby Cup, the other is a bag seed, from either Larry's OG or SFV OG, it wasn't my SFV. I think it was Larry's because I heard almost a year back that Larry encountered some herming issues that have been resolved since then, but this seed is from the time period. You can definitely see her sativa influence compared to the rest.

A close up of my two guest stars^ The Larry OG (I think) and the Grubby's Stash. The Grubby has a little stretch on her but I stopped that pretty quick by dropping the lights and getting some air blowing on her. And once again, you can see Larry showing off her Sativa heritage.

And my beautiful Whiteberry's again! Thanks Paradise Seeds! They make me happy, all 4 up front are Whiteberry. So our friend up above is totally correct, your seedlings don't need jack their first 10-14 days of life! Everything he speaks about the seed is true!

...But, since I have R/O and have all these extra products laying around, I mix them some goodness up at under 250ppm, so when they are ready for it they don't need to wait around. Perhaps our friend is correct in saying that it could cause problems, but my seedlings look freaking amazing right now, and their roots have exploded! And they are only 7 days old.

So when I soaked their cubes I just put them in some ph correct water with around 200ppm of Thrive Alive B1 by Technaflora, a 1-1-1 NPK general plant tonic, Technaflora suggests it for seedlings, and I agree. I do see healthier seedlings with less problems. I ran out of this unfortunately, and the seedling bed was going a little dry so I whipped up some Clonex/Mycorrizhae with R/O and pH balanced it with a little potassium silicate (protekt by dynagro works as a ph upper) to 256 ppm, and they are loving that right now. I'm sure plain water after the initial B1 treatment would have been fine. But I have a little bit of OCD. Haha.

Now you do not have pure water by any means in your tap, so you can't do this! You have to buy distilled or spring water just to keep your plants alive! But if you have distilled, and you really really really want to add a product, go out and buy Thrive Alive or Clonex, but don't add your Micro mix. You don't need to buy these products, if you really feel like your seedlings need something, spring water should give them plenty! Just like the bottled water you drink from the stores.

Honestly though, all you need is distilled. I'm just sitting on 100's of dollars of fertilizers that need to be used before they expire, that is why I use them. I like the Thrive Alive though, that is staying around. For the most part I'm slowly shifting away from all my fertilizers to organics. But first I need to use them all up! I now have both my and my own grow partners fertilizers, so I need to get some more rooms going for all of us to use them up. I don't mind more production ;)

So anyways, with what you see here, are some fine dutch genetics (minus the wonderful 2 guest stars from here in California!) by Paradise Seeds and DJ Short. In the back we have Grubby's Cup and The Cali Connections. I highly recommend all these seed banks/breeders! Soon to come to the family is TGA Subcool and possibly G13 Labs.

And now, for the flower room, just because you said you like the SFV OG so much. I also have pictures of a very unique Strawberry Cough/C99 hybrid with some seeds from an accidental Old School Kush (Cali Connections - discontinued) male.

mmm, some dank resinous nugs IMAG0288.jpgIMAG0287.jpg:weed:IMAG0289.jpgdespite the shitty quality of my phone's camera, you can kind of see how resinous this plant gets. It is much much much more pretty in real life. I need to get a real camera soon. Long story on what happened to the old one, but I need a nice DSLR for my nugs. Or at least a really fancy point and shoot.

Strawberry Cough/Cindy 99, by a local breeder on the mountain, who would prefer to remain anonymous:
IMAG0291.jpgMy near seedless SC99, I think she has a few beans on her, so her yield isn't what it should have been, but that is also because of a N def early on in flower, due to a trimeter malfunction.
IMAG0296.jpgDo you see'd what I see'd? ;)

IMAG0294.jpgI couldn't get the lights high enough for this one, she insisted on growing as tall as she could. You can see her comfortably hanging out only an inch or two away from my lens. 600w btw.

IMAG0292.jpgAnother nug stealing the show from my tower of power nug! This is the more-seeded plant right here.

IMAG0290.jpgA little dry, I feed them right after the photoshoot. Haha, models always starve themselves before the photoshoot. But normally there would be a slue of giant fan leaves twice the size of your hands all over this bitch, but the N def took those away from me!

IMAG0293.jpg I was trying to show you the seeds on this one, but my camera phone is just too shitty, you can't see it at all. But what you really can see is the heavy Cindy influence in her, the way the nugs form looks so much like Cinderella 99 it's not even funny! She may not be the most resinous plant, but she has lethal potency! And I know my plants are over transpiring, you can tell by the up-curl on the leaves, but it's only because I'm trying to keep the Powdery Mildew away, Powdery Mildew loves my SC99 so I'm keeping RH at 38-39%

And now, for my soon-to-be-a-monster-yielding SFV OG I just put into flower a week or so ago. She was going to be a mom, but I suddenly needed to replace a few plants that turned to be male (Old School Kush, and that is the story of the seeded SC99).

Awh yeah! Look at that magnificent bitch! Nevermind the sickly plant to her left, it is a garbage SFV clone I stuck in flower only to make up for the males I had in there. Normally sickly clones like her get thrown away, but I was desperate, which is why my mom is in there. But all these plants pictured so far are being grown with a combo of the complete House & Garden line up as well as my own home made organic tea. I also use Thrive Alive B1, Liquid Karma, ProTekt, Sweet Raw, and 2 local products called Thrive and The Sparks. I don't need to add any of these in, but between H&G feedings when I should be flushing, I always add 2 of these products in at a low PPM. I've always used them, and I love them. I also have some other stuff from my grow partners I will use up when my next batch of H&G is done. Periodically you'll here me spout off all the shit I have and when I use it. Know this: I don't have that spending problem anymore! lol.

And for the grand finale: Bud Porn!!
The potential of Cali Connection's (Swerve's) extremely rare San Fernando Valley OG Kush F3! Grown in a single DWC unit with a 35 dollar Technaflora Starter Kit! Technaflora you are the shit!

SFVporn1.jpgSFVporn2.jpgSFVtease4.jpgThose aren't tiny hands and mugs btw.

Most recent rescued crop, pretty successful rescue I'd say. And no I don't do coke, I just needed to trim my finger nails.

And here is some White Berry! Paradise Seeds and more Technaflora DWC and soil grows! Still on a 35 dollar kit!

Whiteberry2.jpgWhiteberry4.jpgThis revegged clone in soil really packed on the frost! You can see the crystals even on the stem of the large fan leaves!

You think that looks good? This was the sick one, we didn't even get pictures of the champs.

And finally, here is some of DJ Short's Grape Krush fem, which is currently discontinued for various reasons, but one is NOT dank factor. Dank factor is sky fucking high, one of the most narcotic, if not the most narcotic smoke I've ever had the pleasure of huffing!


There she is, my quarter pound monster! In only a 5 gal soil bucket too! She had a little bit of light stress because of me tripping over a timer, so she gave me some bananas, I caught them in time, but accidentally cracked a banana over my SC99 when removing it from the room. So now I have those Grape Cough's I was talking about.

And that's it! It's time for me to go to fucking bed!


Well-Known Member
Take out those dead seedlings, those things are freaking dead as fuck. The rest of your seedlings should be able to continue onto a light feeding in a few days of fresh water. I'm sure they are old enough for food now, but I think some recovery from tap is probably necessary. Radioactive particles are probably phosphorus derived. Most of us have some minute amount in our water, but I bet you have a shit-ton more.


Well-Known Member
Wow. The SFV is just like I imagined it. Do you happen to know what the thc % is on it? It's obviously a big yielder but I haven't heard much about the potency, or the taste.. Ooo I bet tastes so good. AND now you're going to have a cough/krush, Awesome. So it looks like the yield on the krush is like just as good as the SFV, although the strawberry cough doesn't look like a big yielder... So I wonder about an SFV Krush? We could wait, and you could cross the SFV with the Krush, and then I could cross the Krush/SFV with the KF3's - and then we could call it Purple Nurple. Or I could cross my JackHammer with the KF3, and then the kf3/jackhammer could be crossed with the sfv/grape krush. That would probably be a monster plant.. Jackhammer and SFV are big uns. I know why you breed now, the possibilities are really fun.

See, you told me all your plants were like 2-3 oz, and there's that fatass Krush plant sitting there at a 1/4lb. Lies! Did you do any training, or did you just veg longer?
I still think my 12-veg bubbleponics setup would be good with that other ebb n flow set up. Just for now. What didn't you like about that ebb n flow link I sent you? I just don't want to have to spend another week solid building my own, and that one already has dimensions that are manageable in my current set up. the plants would be smaller, and I probably wouldnt top them.. But since I have a huge amount of vertical space (8ft) I was going to veg them to 14in, or maybe 18, and then throw them in flower.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the SFV is a fatty! But she is my main crop and is usually between 2-3 oz per plant, unless poorly grown. My new grow partners were only pulling 1oz per SFV! :lol:

The Grape Krush got no training at all, she had her lower flowering sites trimmed off in late veg, and was trimmed up a little more after her first week of flower, but for the most part she was raw. I vegged her only for about a month, she is just a champion among champions! She was as small as all the other plants I grow during veg, and during flower she blew up to be my giantess! I flowered my SC99 when it was twice the size as the Grape Krush, and in the end the Grape Krush grew to be the same size the SC99 turned out to be and gave me an oz more than the SC99 produced!

So far all my breeding; it has been unintentional so far, but I just happened to have rare strains with good genetics for breeding on each other. Stupid mistakes, actually. Haha. Breeding is my next pioneer though. I am currently trying to figure out the space and cost of breeding, because I would really like to dispense seeds in the dispensary I am working for. Wholesale!

As for the taste of the SFV, I have a pipe with a green load of it right now, I'm about to burn into it and give you live taste testing, via text. Haha. The smell; right of the bat is like jasmine, sour lemon/lime, and this fresh smell I simply cannot describe. Heavy of citrus and jasmine, with very little of that OG smell you are used too. If you smelled these buds, it would be the very first time you smelt weed like that, I guarantee you it is one of a kind... well since there are 5 back crosses of SFV I guess it is 5 of a kind... BUT NO STRAIN HAS THIS SMELL!!

Just lit the pipe, and immediately get that OG musk on your tongue, as I hold I get a strong citrus on the very back of my taste buds, and a extremely potent sour sensation lingers in the back of your throat. As I breath after my first hit I get that jasmine fragrance on top of the same musky OG flavor I first got, but of course it is all smokey. When you take a drag off the pipe when it isn't lit all you taste is jasmine. The longer this strain cures the more it loses the musky smell and take on a sour lemon-jasmine smell (ass backwards, right?).

And it's sort of like waking up from a coma. I can't think clearly, I can't recall shit, I can't possibly think of what I have to do. And I just realized the firework show starts in 30 minutes now that I took a minute to try and think.... and I also have to take a shit and file papers for work before 10pm... 30 minutes from now when the fireworks start. Shit. THIS IS WHAT SFV DOES TO ME!!

But one more thing, you can't just willy-nilly cross dank strains with dank strains and get dank. Now that is the basic recipe right there, but purity and stability or key factors, as well as growing out huge numbers of parent plants from seed, and culling off all but 1-5 contenders, crossing them, growing them out, and repeating the process until you feel your strain is ready and stable enough to be almost perfectly replicated every time by seed.

I have a feeling it will take me about 5 years before I have a real solid strain to call my own. That is 5 years of solid breeding and crossing the same strain... but that may just be the voice of a naive would-be.


Well-Known Member
It's as though Sir Fernando himself was on this very thread, describing the bud to me. Lol. That sounds like some blessed fruit nigga, did the aliens give it to us or is it just a phenomenon? Sannies doesn't have any SFV seeds or else I'd order some right now. When you say 2-3 oz, you mean dry right?


Well-Known Member
Dry weight, I don't take wet weight. Wet weight just makes you think about something you never had to begin with. Really kind of useless except for as an experiment. I try and be descriptive with it, since you don't have any to smoke yourself, haha. Attitude Seed Bank has lots of strains from The Cali Connection and if you order between now and July 4th (offer ends on dutch time) you get a free pack of Subcool's Dairy Queen and Chernobyl, some really awesome strains I hear. Subcool is no joke, he is a legitimate breeder and he has lots and lots and lots of EXCEPTIONALLY useful threads here on RIU for beginners and seasoned vet's alike. He covers all the good shit.

Cali Connection strains do not go for cheap though, you will find yourself spending around 70-80 euro's, which equal to about 100-115 dollars a pack. But it's totally fucking worth it. 100 bucks for pounds and pounds of the finest kush genetics you've never had the pleasure of experiencing. Cali Connections really does exceed all expectations.

I think you asked me something about THC or cannabanoid content, I can't remember any exact numbers, but last time I saw it tested it was around 17%-18%, and that was just somebodies SFV OG they grew from seed, it wasn't Swerve's. I am sure I could ask him on his websites forum what the SFV OG f3 clocks out at. I have never had mine tested, I once had the opportunity for it to be done for free, but it narrowly passed me.


Well-Known Member
Cripes dude, you are coming up on 3 weeks now. maybe it's time to start feeding them again. Nice and easy. 300-350ppm to kick it off and see how they like it.


Well-Known Member
SFV.. its on my mind...

I took out the dead uns like you told me to, and put Nowitzki into the other unit. This cleared up an entire dwc unit, so I drained it, cleaned it, and used it to hold the other tray-top (the one with plants in it), while I check my nutes and stuff on the res.
-also put the air-injection tubing from res A into res B, so now I'm going to have a super duper bubbler. I really like these air injection rings, they work just as advertised.. At first I was like, no way, this old dude on the website is totally full of shit, and the units I ordered are trash.. but the facts don't lie.. and the babes have been developing roots despite all the terrible water I had them in, and the over-feeding. I might order some more of these and just have two in each.. sounds cool.

I might convert this other unit into my "mother-board".. and just have a mother at each end.. this would leave me the other 6 pots for clones, which would go good since I can't flower more than that, or else I'd be drowning in nugs. Idk, here are some pics.

