My attempt to grow the world's largest plant ever


Active Member
haha i like the responses. I honestly have no idea, I would have to sit down and do the math a little more, but those seem like a little more accurate than my numbers


Active Member
haha i like the responses. I honestly have no idea, I would have to sit down and do the math a little more, but those seem like a little more accurate than my numbers
I'm not trying to give you shit. I just know the surest way to be disappointed by an otherwise awesome grow is to not yield what you expected.

I think you should LST this thing into a 100 foot plant growing horizontally. Light intensity degrades at 25% per foot, so if you had a super tall plant you would either lose out on a lot of good light or you would have to string vertical bulbs all up and down the side, which may be hard to do if the plant is that tall. If you grew two plants, one each in a giant container, you could have a long string of lights. That could be easier to cool and the lights would would help each other out.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If i had a wherehouse I WOULD DEFF GET 50- 75 pounds fuck 2 plants..but i wanna see what u can do..even if its not what ur expecting i wanna see ..ill trade my wife for ur wherehouse :)
probably start getn mold and rot when u flower its a weed, not exactly a tree. the guy in canada with the million dollar indoor grow setup on the old natgeo marijuana cash crop program only grows plants about 12 feet tall cause he knows. big dreams but prob better to veg 6 feet and flower out. good luck tho bro sounds like a cash crop to me


Well-Known Member
Did you check the math, or did you just bash it?

28 grams in an ounce.
16 ounces in a pound.
448 grams in a pound.

The TS said:

So I used 10,000 watts in my calculation.

He also said:


448 x 50 = 22,400 grams. Divide that by 10,000 watts, and you get 2.24 grams per watt.
448 x 75 = 33,600 grams. Divide that by 10,000 watts, and you get 3.35 grams per watt.

If my math is wrong anywhere I would like to see it corrected. I don't claim to be a math genius but I can punch buttons on a calculator.
I didn't check it and didn't notice where he said 10 each total per plant, sorry. You're post just sounded as if you assumed one lamp per.


Active Member
just grow them in the giggest trashcans u can find. fill with half worm casting,half soil. dump bags of organic ferts in like blood bone mish greensand lime etc. then tea it...omg and a shit load of perlite


Active Member
I didn't check it and didn't notice where he said 10 each total per plant, sorry. You're post just sounded as if you assumed one lamp per.
No problem at all. If he had one lamp he would be running 22 and 33 grams per watt. Now that's a hell of a yield!


Active Member
just grow them in the giggest trashcans u can find. fill with half worm casting,half soil. dump bags of organic ferts in like blood bone mish greensand lime etc. then tea it...omg and a shit load of perlite

Yeah I though it would be easier to just do worm castings, considering they are like the purest form of compost. I will probably add some blood and bone meal as well and maybe 300 or so gallons perlite


Well-Known Member
I don't think the genetics of any particular strain will allow you to yield that, although i would love to see pic's of someone trying it. I would search carefully for seed genetics with truly big size and yield potential, that being said every plan will have a max yield, and good luck hitting it. You have my moral support.


Active Member
I'm sure your right, but since it's indoors I can control the lighting to be 24 instead of 12, and when it can't last any longer I will put it outside in a green house.