My dog died.


Well-Known Member
He was 16 years old I'd had him since I was a child. He wasn't really fun anymore he had grey fur and a temper.

Still I'm sad :cry: and I doubt I'll ever find another beagle rottwiler mix.


Well-Known Member
dang man I am very sorry!! I have three indoor dogs, two cats, and three outdoor cats...i want mind as much when the cats go...but dang i cant imagine what it will be like when my dogs go...they are like my kids...but anywho..sorry for your loss..


Well-Known Member
Oh dude im so sorry, ive got a lovely dog whos 5 years old and I will probably kill myself when he dies I love him so much:cry:.
I'll smoke some bowls on you and ure doggy


New Member
He was 16 years old I'd had him since I was a child. He wasn't really fun anymore he had grey fur and a temper.

Still I'm sad :cry: and I doubt I'll ever find another beagle rottwiler mix.

my condolences man, losing a dog thats been around for so long is losing family. its not like it, its not similar to is losing a member. sorry for your loss..peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. My dog is 6 and she is my best friend. I'm not sure what I'd do if I ever lost her. I probably wouldn't handle it that well. Whether they are old and grumpy or not they are still part of the family.


stays relevant.
He was 16 years old I'd had him since I was a child. He wasn't really fun anymore he had grey fur and a temper.

Still I'm sad :cry: and I doubt I'll ever find another beagle rottwiler mix.

sorry for your loss... gray fur and a temper? sounds like someone I know ;)

I had a dobie rott I had to put down... hip problems, tumors, the whole 9... sometimes it really is a "better place" waiting for em.


Well-Known Member
That sucks. Sorry for your loss. I have 2 beagles and they are the best breed I have raised - labrador, poodle, lhasa-apso, boxer, american staffordshire, none were as loyal and loving and MELLOW as my beagles are........
Think about the good times and may God speed your mourning.


Well-Known Member
That sucks. Sorry for your loss. I have 2 beagles and they are the best breed I have raised - labrador, poodle, lhasa-apso, boxer, american staffordshire, none were as loyal and loving and MELLOW as my beagles are........
Think about the good times and may God speed your mourning.
Yeah I love beagles he never liked getting stoned with me.

He'd always growl at me when I tried to share my smoke with him.


Well-Known Member
He was 16 years old I'd had him since I was a child. He wasn't really fun anymore he had grey fur and a temper.

Still I'm sad :cry: and I doubt I'll ever find another beagle rottwiler mix.
I hate losing my animal friends:-(. I ALWAYS shed tears, because they devote their lives to us, and we humans never really return the devotion I think. I mean we do love our pets, but sometimes take them for granted...:cry:


Well-Known Member
lol. both my beagles enjoy the vapor at bedtime and snore all night long....
I'd try the same method I do with Salem blow in his face, my cat loves it he gets right up to my mouth and he'll purr so hard.

He sees me with a joint and he's in my face wanting some before I get it lit.

Maybe it's because Jack wasn't around it until he was an adult.

He will be missed though.


Well-Known Member
We lost our family pet (american bulldog) a few months ago as well,it's a bitch thats for sure,the best i can say is find another pet as soon as you can,some people are meant to have animals in their lives at all times to be happy.