My first grow....Advice welcomed!!


Well-Known Member
if you are going hps. put them in 2 gaI. containers. they need sufficient rooting to grow weII.if you are using HPS with air cooIed keep them at 16"
above the pIant , if not bIow the fan toward the Iight to keep Iight kind of cIose without high heat, heat needs to stay around 70 to 80 F,highest.grow them in an airy pIace in your home.those are heaIthy pIants yopu hsve , they just wiII need more room to put out any desent buds. some i just fini.



Well-Known Member
to cIik on pics,, after you give repIy, dont cIik it yet, scroII down to "attach managaments" cIik it, seIect pics in Ieft hand side. wen seIected, cIik the "X" out then cIik the repIy for your message.


Active Member
Day 33
OK repotted the lil ladies today into 2gal pots. I also picked up a nutrient kit with easy to follow recipe for success. I will scan it later and post it but Im sure it is a common solution. Anyway they are in alot more dirt and got fed today....Pics to come later tonite. Well I can add one more lesson Learned I reied to save a buck and use regular old potting soil until I got it home and opened the bag....anyway went back to the hydro shop and spent the $25 on another bag of FoxFarms "Happy Frog". Just putting my hands in it I can tell the difference and Im sure my Ladies will appreciate it.

Going to 12/12 at 6 weeks 9 more days


Active Member
Well here is another shot at picking up a few friends here. DO I STINK??
Anyway what a Fu**ing difference repotting and a little food made. I thought that little floraliscious I gave them was foor....a trip to the hydro shop taught me different. They picked up 1 1/2 inches overnite and the color and smell is so much better. They arent nearly as droopy and they just lok so happy. I cannot believe I was so rootbound in that 6" pot so fast. Heres a few more pics to look at.

Pic 1 is Tribute standing tall (10" above dirt)

Pic 2 is Lady Liberty she is a chubby stocky lady (7 1/2" above dirt)

Pic 3+4 are close-ups of Tribute's main stem these "new" things appeared overnight...Is it a "woman" thing or am I being ridiculously optomistic?

Pic 5 shows just how much she grew overnite...Thei leaf was not formed and was 1 1/2 inches under my bulb....This morning it is in my bulb and burned a bit.
Gotta be more careful I suppose.

Pic 6 is a shot of my "ghetto growroom" soon to change I scored a 600w HPS- MH switchable light just waiting for shipment.

As soon as I figure out how to resize my pics I will post them here that tip would be appreciated too.



Active Member
I just dont understand you all say you love to help a newbie out but I am begging for some feedback and cannot get it......Have I ofended someone or am I doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
wat is your qestion??your pIant Iooks good , so far so good, i am subscribed toyour pub. i'm just busy in other areas.but i cann keep an eye out on your qestions.:leaf:


Active Member
well ive always gone 16 and 8 for veg for me it seems they do most of their work in the dark and veg for 60 days before switching to 12 and 12 also it helps if you get the oranger bulbs for 12 12 flower simulating fall winter and helpin em bud.
your on the right track they look good


Well-Known Member
i forgot the name of those little buggers - something that starts with a "c" - help me out anyone -and have nothing to do with the plant's sex.


Active Member
Thanks Guys for the reply's I thought I was being too optomistic at this point. Anyway Im just excited and want to talk about my babies with others who understand.....and can't anywhere but here. So dont mind my whining I just need a little attention kiss-ass

Anyway thanks for the replies and happy growing!!

And man I am surprised how much I am into this I figured Id just plant some seeds and wait.....but Its gotten to be way more that that....I even added several other types of plants around the house to try to larn to care for and signed up for a botany class next semester in school. It has actually become a hobby that I am developing a passion for.

Thanks for that too!! :joint: