My little babies!!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
This is one sweet thread, look how good there doing! Experimenting is what its all about. Peace


Well-Known Member
Are you being serious or sarcastic? If you're being serious, thanks alot dude. Ive got so much help from people on here. They were looking a little limp a few days ago. Thanks to some people i got another humidifier and got rid of that heater that had a fan in it. That was just blowing hot air right on the leaves just sucking them dry. Even though they had plenty of water, the leaves themselves were being drained. Also, our hygrometer was broke so that wasnt helping either. We just bumped up the nutes and started adding a little bloom yesterday. Man, you should see them today. They really loved that extra juice. Thanks for the compliments. Your right too. Expermint with things, otherwise you never know what you could have done.


Well-Known Member
whew....I got through it all.....whoa!.......14 +/- pages of defending one's point of view........tenacious at a minimum......glad to see the plants are all still doing well after all that flaming. I look forward to the continued "saga".....I hope it all works out well...good luck!


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it. But what can you do. Im just glad they are growing so well. I will be switching to 12/12 tomorrow so maybe that will kick those preflowers into overdrive so i can get rid of the males. Either way, it should only take a week or two to see true flowers so i cant wait!!! Thanks for the support.


Well-Known Member
hey man...well...I'm taking the plunge....germinating seeds as we speak....don't think I'll go to the # of plants per pot thing.....I'll just keep my mpouth shut....LOL.....I remain VERYU interested in how you progress from here.....keep us informed. I'm just researching the amount of light I should be using to supplement the daylight that I will have......all the best....and remember - what other peopel think....that's their agenda.....walk on man...walk on....


Well-Known Member
I dunno....:mrgreen: not for me to say...but I thnk you have too many plants in each pot.......JK.....:peace:
Just kinda a day by day show of progress. First pic is day 14, second pic is day 24, and third pic is day 30. We are starting 12/12 tomorrow, cant wait!!


Well-Known Member
You're right, i do. Thats why they look so bad. Next time ill only have 1 per pot, but right now i have to live with my mistake. I hate how bad they are doing, i only hope next time they will look better.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
You're right, i do. Thats why they look so bad. Next time ill only have 1 per pot, but right now i have to live with my mistake. I hate how bad they are doing, i only hope next time they will look better.
You being serious, im confused! lol:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
12/12 starts today. The smallest plant i have is about 10in i believe. Ill measure again today. But the tallest one is about 20in. I figure i better start flowering or else they will be 7ft tall and we dont want that. I hope they stay around 4-5ft. Also, an oz per plant isnt anything hard to do at all right? And if i have 12 females (hopefully out of like 30, 12 will be female) it shouldnt be hard for me to get around 10-12oz easy correct? Im not setting my hopes to high so im not dissappointed, but an oz per plant just seems so easy. What do you think?


Active Member
No idea about the yield, would be pretty darn happy myself too if I'd get an oz out of each plant.
Anyway, good luck to flowering!


Well-Known Member
12/12 today?! sweeeet luckkkky! i wish i was on flowering schedule already lol bitch! haha jp bro! you been loads of help! i was wondering how long u let yours grow before u started flowering them and how many females ya got?:peace:


Well-Known Member
And the last of them...the last 2 are a filter we made today. Inside of it we stuff a box of dryer sheets. It smells like fresh laundry, you know how you can smell it outside of your house around the dryer vent? Well, thats what it smells like. It doesnt make your room smell or anything cause its exhausted air, only the outside. Give it a try, if you dotn like it you can always take the sheets out. You cant really see it to well, but you get the point. Ill get some more pics tomorrow with the flash on. I forgot to turn it on :P. And boy oh boy did it help!!!



Well-Known Member
And look, no more spots, no more drooping, no more yellowing...everything is finally going perfect!! I cant thank everyone enough. Look at what you help has done!!


Well-Known Member
Why thank you sir. And i agree, they are looking better than ever. The advice ive got from some on this site has helped tremedously. Especially the heater/fan thing.


Well-Known Member
Plants look great, I really like the filter idea I also use dryer sheets they make it smell so fresh (one thing you should know though, they run out quick and it starts getting expensive) anyway once again good job they look great.