My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yeah, i figured they wouldnt last so long. I dont need them at all since i kinda live a good distance from my closest neighbor. And skunks getting run over out here is a pretty common thing so its not unusually to smell a skunky, dank smell alot. I just kinda did it to see what it will do. Im not gonna put any more in there. I thought it might help someone that really does need it. About how fast do those things run out? How many do you go through during a grow?


Well-Known Member
nice plants fatal tjhe whole 1 per pot thing is over rated i think .. unless u let them get 6' tall haha but nice stalks lookvery strong bro!


Well-Known Member
well F4T4LShot,,,I couldn't let ya got it alone,,i had 6 seeds,,and only 5 pots,,,:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
HAHA, welcome to the dark side HoLE. And im not going to say i told you so. But if you let them stay like that (which i can tell you obviously arent gonna leave them in that little pot) youll see they will grow just fine. You wont believe how they look now. Just over night they look so fuckng amazing. Ill get some pics tomorrow. You are going to shit yourself. These things are just doing so amazing!


Well-Known Member
HoLE, quick and last update of the buried male plant, it's been like nine days and nothing, I'm satisfied on believing that once you burry a chopped plant that it will not be growing back.


Well-Known Member
HoLE, quick and last update of the buried male plant, it's been like nine days and nothing, I'm satisfied on believing that once you burry a chopped plant that it will not be growing back.
ya i guess I'm satisfied,,but has to be chopped good and buried,,it's like 0 here,,and the one i got chopped on the on the balcony for almost 3 weeks,,is still shooting out new leafs,,no water or care,,and I was just trying to have a different viewpoint to get Fatal goin in the beginning,,but thxs for proving it Humboldt:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin


ps dont forget the tweaking pinching and squeezing


Well-Known Member
I wasnt trying to say what im doing is wrong or right. All i was saying is its working very very well. UPDATED PICS TODAY!!! YAY!! All im doing is growing 15-20 plants where i will be growing only 10 or so. Yes, they might be a tiny tiny bit smaller in the end but i make up for that wiht the number of plants. Kinda like a sea of green, only i do it big. Hmm, maybe ive started a new tech...what can we call this? You guys helped, i mean you did do the test with the male. Whereas i just knew it would work so i did it without testing. So, what should we call it?


Well-Known Member
Thank you Dr. High. I got some more pics today and they are looking better than ever! I left my camera there so ill have to load them early tomorrow morning so check back then. I got some killer shots. You can really see the nodes, and how much they have perked up. Thanks everyone for the help and now support.


Well-Known Member
Well i got the pics taken but i left the camera there. Ill put them on very very early in the morning. We went to the hydro store today and got some more CalMag, Pro-TekT, Hydraguard, Microblast and Catalyst. We are ready to roll for a few more weeks at least :) A few of them are really showing. There is one that im almost sure is a male. Definately going to get them a few days before we do anything to them.


Well-Known Member
And a few more...And one more question. How long do you have after the males actually show themselves, before they release pollen? There are a few that look like males from their preflowers but i know they look the same at first so im giving them a little longer to fully mature. But you have a little while from the day they show for sure to the time they will release pollen right? I know you get rid of them ASAP but just in case im not sure about one i wanna give it an extra day or two. Anyways, tell me what you guys think. And thanks so much for the help everyone.



Well-Known Member
good morning man.....great pics and some pretty nice looking growth from my perspective. how many plants altogether? and the size of those pots? looking good I think...


Well-Known Member
Im not quite sure about total number, ill count today. There are 13 pots (3 and 5gal) and each one has at least 2 and no more than 3 so...And thanks for the compliments. I think they are growing execellent for 36 days. And if numerous plants per pot are as bad as everyone is making it out to be i cant wait to see the next grow with only 1-2 per pot if these are doing this great.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Looking real nice they stopped drooping, did you slow down on the wattering?? i noticed if i feed too much to m plants theyll droop. Peace


Well-Known Member
Nah, i wasnt watering too much. I knew i wasnt. It was the heater. See, it is one of those heaters that has a fan. It was blowing hot air right on them when ever it kicked on and just sucking them dry. We turned it around so it faces a wall but still warms the room up. I knew it wasnt to much watering, that was never a question. Also, the yellowing is gone to. We started giving them all calmag. See at first we gave half calmag and the other half none. The ones that had calmag looked fine :) Just another benefit of growing so many. But yeah, that are look spectacular now thanks to all the help. Day 34, day 3 of 12/12. So they still should double in size right? If not triple...


Active Member
I love gettin baked and reading this thread.....You guys are great!!!
I love how people try to put down other people's grows.....some of these fellas have bigger egos than a pro athlete. I hope your grow does good dude, just to show these guys that its not complete rocket science and that there is more than one way to do things.
Best thing i've read all day.

Multiple ways to grow and we are still learning about it too.

Good looking frow btw. Grew fast