My organic method.


Well-Known Member
Personally. No. And many people I have talked to would agree. My thinking is there are deferent levels of organic. Organics with bottles won't ever be able to compete with soil food web gardening. And really focusing on the symbiotic relationships happening in soil. IMO that's were it's at!!
FISH EMULSIONS....the only bottle i buy, act's once every 3-4 weeks, i like to use mid range fish emulsions recently there pretty good mon.


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good. But i eould diversify uour minerals like you said. Some gypsum. Phosphates. Humic acid ore. I like neem. Never used insect frass. I know @greasemonkeymann is all about it. And compost is key. And dont forget fungal food. Brown rice is. Easiest source. 1 cup/cf. I have been having very good results with oatmeal as well.
actually I believe it's the dons that are the insect frass guys, I use the mashed up insects, as opposed to the insect manure.
It's more like a shrimpmeal probably, except better.
But yea, the dons are the insect frass guys
donpetro and dontesla.


Well-Known Member
FISH EMULSIONS....the only bottle i buy, act's once every 3-4 weeks, i like to use mid range fish emulsions recently there pretty good mon.
fish products are great to use, but remember the emulsion is sometimes loaded with metals, and also has most of the enzymes damaged. If my stoner memory serves me correctly (sketchy at best)
Fish hydrosylate is a better product, albeit more expensive.
I just use fishmeal, and fishbonemeal when I make my compost.
Can't remember where I read it, but there is something else undesirable about fish emulsion, I think it's heat treated or something?
Something that renders a lot of it less efficient..
Sorry.. stoner memory..


Well-Known Member
hey man just found your thread! subbed up to it. lookin forward to seein some more bud shots!
Will have some soon! My iphone took a swim and my new phone has the worst camera ive ever seen. Gunna get some shots with my old ladys fancy camera in next few days. Gotta harvest just a few days out.

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
I have worm farm about to start so had to buy EWC. I read that wiggle worm was actually legit so I bough some.
Recipe so far.

Base: Spaghnum Peat/Perlite/EWC

Alfalfa, Kelp, Fish Bone, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell Flour

Glacial Rock Dust

I was looking at neem seed meal, Greensand, and I heard good stuff about gypsum and insect frass.(add some compost would be nice too)

I also bought coco coir for my worm bin.
I know I talked to grease about this, just wanted another opinion.
i tried insect frass this past runs and didn't have a problem, but i also didn't see a huge improvement. i would just save it and add it in tea form with mycos, kelp, and humic acid. i sometimes do that twice during veg and once early during flower. i would also not use the greensand unless you plan to reuse the soil, it's a slow release amendment. just started using neem seed meal on my soil mix, iv'e heard it helps with pest control or makes the plant more resistant to pests i think lol.