my outdoor medical grow 2010!


Active Member
went out today to check up on them. one looks pretty crappy, and you'll see the pic of the curled leaves, wat could be causing this? and you'll see some pistils as well in the other pics. how much coffee grounds per gallon of water for added N?



Well-Known Member
well thing being is i cant put them inside parents lol. So they are staying outside. i was told they get bigger and bettter then from seeds? Looks like its time for me to hit a hydro store or somethen. And go get some big pots.

From the time you put them outside can you type down a list of the goods and stuff you needed to keep them nice and green? Nutrients what kinda soil and fertilizer


Active Member
They are defintaly over or under waterd. If not it's still a N deficiancy but droopyness dosnt come from lacking N just yellowing of the leaves. bongsmilieUmm, Maybe down your dosage a bit. If i were you i would try a good watering then next time come back and do a 1/30 milk/water ratio and you should be sweet. The N in milk is helping my Party cup grow im doing, Im breeding strains at the moment, i water very little ammounts a few times a day but, Its perking them up and looking really healthy.:peace:


Active Member
haha yes i will be taking more pics soon, were getting a day of rain showers so after a sunny day or two i will be going out to give them the water/milk solution. how much milk per gollon of water should i use?


Active Member
Use a tea spoon per litre. Ive just read some more stuff and it looks like its a full npk supplement. You really just want N. You may want to keep to the coffee grounds.


Active Member
cool thanks man. so im making a nice batch of compost tea to give to the girls tomorrow. added some coffee grounds as well as molasses. would my plants benefit from liquid ironite? it says 7-6-6 on the bottle



Active Member
watered the girls today. FUCK 2 more plants gone today :(im suspecting gophers cuz there was fresh mounds of dirt where my plant was. but anyways heres some pictures for the viewers. plants are 10 weeks old from seed. took 3 more clones today as well.



Active Member
They're looking beter than last time man. Nice. Sorry to hear about some of your plants.

And for that liquite ironite i looked it up it actually looks pretty good, It looks like some strong stuff. So you should be cautious on the amount you feed at first.:leaf:


Active Member
:bigjoint:ok cool. FOund 1 seed in the last bit of my oz of Lemon Trainwreck today. looks nice and mature. i might germinate it and throw it outside in a week or two:mrgreen: