Need a little help...analyze the pic


Well-Known Member
Ok so my plants are almost done, and I was planning on flushing next week, and harvesting in 2 weeks, HOWEVER i looked at my plant this morning and realzied there were these fresh little green areas growing. They seemed to have appeared over night (ok not literally i just didnt notice them yesterday because they werent so big). Are these just new leaves? or....what the hell? (in the pic they are the little green things I circled). They are a different sahde of green, like yellow/green like a seedling.

Just wondering if this means I should postpone my harvest, or speed it up? (they were germinated in the first week or december and are I believe skunk....bag seed experiment in reality).

thank you! you guys have been very helpful throughout my whole grow, so I expect nothing but great answers!



Well-Known Member
My theory is that they are just little leaves...but i mean m other plant starting budding more white little hairs, so I dunno if maybe thanks to a little more nuting/lighting they are getting more energy to bud?


Well-Known Member
ok cool, just making sure I didnt mess anything up. So its all good you say? And I have no problem waiting. I waited this long, whats another 3 weeks.