need second opinion on "the claw" pics & info

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
hi people well av been reading a lot about plant problems to try and solve my problem my self but am just getting confused lol

well my larger fan leaves have turned yellow and all leaves are droping and tips are curling under also there are some small brown spots on the leaves there has been some lower small leaves dying off .

i was feeding 1/4 strenght nutes but i just fed water on last watering due 2 problem and i have just carried out a flush .

any advise ???



Well-Known Member
you may just be over watering dude,what nutes ,looks like you need to hit with some n rich nutes

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
i am using bio bloom nutes at 2.0 6.0 3.5

they were only fed at 1/8 strength in flower period then 1/4 strength for around 2 waterings then back to just water
Because of you not giving nutes the plant is stripping itself to feed the buds when you start your nutes again it will change back. If not then you have a different problem.

if its an eight week flower your half way thru almost why are they not at full nute strength anyways

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
because i had to change soil mid veg so i had to take it easy with the nutes to prevent nute burn as the new soil had nutes added to soil lol seems like i may have been to hesitant

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
why have you not been feeding at full strength?!? i give them full strenght nutes from a few weeks into veg, not 1/8 strenght at day 29 of flowering.......


Well-Known Member
its an n deficiency imo try that first to stop the drop,i wish i remeber the name of a killer thread here where the guy was talking about how in flowering we focus on the flowers by using nuthes high in phosphorous ,and once in awhile you need to add some nitrogen high nutes,nitrogen helps the healthy green growth,anywho goodluck

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
why have you not been feeding at full strength?!? i give them full strenght nutes from a few weeks into veg, not 1/8 strenght at day 29 of flowering.......
beacuse i was trying not to nute burn them due to changing soil half way through veg and soil had nutes added all ready . so you agree i should add full nutes on next water to try sort this ?

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
its an n deficiency imo try that first to stop the drop,i wish i remeber the name of a killer thread here where the guy was talking about how in flowering we focus on the flowers by using nuthes high in phosphorous ,and once in awhile you need to add some nitrogen high nutes,nitrogen helps the healthy green growth,anywho goodluck
i also have bio grow which has 8.0 2.0 6.0 should i use that for next watering as it has a high nitrogen of 8.0 and i says it can be used in flowering period

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
considering you've not been feeding properly, then yeah, i'd say upping the dosage to the reccomended amounts is your first step. i'd have thought.

i have some bio bizz grow and bloom, in flowering you use BOTH, and i used at full strength no trouble whatsoever throughout. this is my first grow not using those nutes.

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
considering you've not been feeding properly, then yeah, i'd say upping the dosage to the reccomended amounts is your first step. i'd have thought.

i have some bio bizz grow and bloom, in flowering you use BOTH, and i used at full strength no trouble whatsoever throughout. this is my first grow not using those nutes.
cheers man al start watering with nutes asap :hump:

i was tryin to ensure no nute burn and i ended up fu##ing them with not enough nutes ironic

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what soil did you repot with?

i'd never use something like miracle grow with included nutes just so i know just what i'm giving my plants. i make my own soil up using potting soil, perlite, 5mm construction sand and that was great (you can go organics and add lots and bits and pieces like worm castings etc) but now i'm on coco, and moving onto DWC.

i reckon give them a go with some more feed and see what happens. it does seem a very evenly spread yellow paling, so as has been suggesteed, i reckon they might just be eating themselves up trying to grow.

all i know from experience is that at the size you're looking at, you want to be pumping them fulla food :)

good luck with everything, let us know how it goes. if you're in scotland, pop into the UK thread (see sig) there are some sound geezers and some scots as welll, as much a bunch of fuckheads they are :lol: but we're all there and there's lots of knowledge amoung our merry band of banterists

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
a never even knew there was a uk section lol al pop in to it :)

i decided to go with bio bizz soil as they are the makers of the nutes .:)

cheers for reply's


Well-Known Member
Huge nute deficiency man.. I use 1/2 nutes only once when i start flowering. Then I give them clean water.. then full on nutes from then on out. Works great.