Need the forums opinion on this Bridgelux 100w chip


Well-Known Member
Sounds like my Light except bigger in every way.
Mine is 8x29 with 6 cobs driven by a HKG-240-42B.
I have plans o add more cobs or build a 2nd one.
Area I am covering is 2x4
I'm really excited about this light, from every thing I've read it's a good place to start. And Thanks Bassman for the heads-up about the thermostat wire. It made it a very easy install.


Well-Known Member
I'm really excited about this light, from every thing I've read it's a good place to start. And Thanks Bassman for the heads-up about the thermostat wire. It made it a very easy install.
I am excited about mine as well.
Someone on here who is very knowledgeable told me about that wire, but I cant remember right now who.


Well-Known Member
Hello fellas, Stephen if your around, I've finished installing the chips (temporary to check coverage), it's wired, power supply and light hooked up. Gave it a test drive for a few seconds and all looks great, can't wait to hang it and see what the girls think of it.

A couple of questions...

How do you clean the cob surface?
For the life of me, I do not understand the equations that you guys throw around regarding PAR, PPFD and the rest of the stuff and I have no idea of what I just built but I know it's good. If someone could be so kind to take a look at this build and tell me what I have and what improvements I can make in the near future (this build was the beginning and not the end). I know it's a little weak in the blues and suggestions would be most helpful and much appreciated. Here's a shout out for Stephen who helped me a bunch, I owe you big time and this place rocks!

Here's what I have-

8- cxa3070 3000k ab's wired parallel
no lenses at this time
chip spacing on a 40" X 12" passive heat sink is 10" on center with a single centered at each end.
The area to be covers with this light is 3'X5'

Only thing left to do is drill out the corners for eye bolts.


Sorry I missed you. Yes I will calculate for you when I wake up. Kinda dealing with drama right now.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you'll be around 655 ppf from your fixture. Around 47% efficient before driver losses. Should make on heck of a light. Also to clean cob use alcohol and Cotton ball. That's what I use anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Good morning Stephen, just hung the light and all I can say is WOW, nice light. I can't thank you enough for holding my hand through this build. I will start a new thread to report on the results.

I started the 12/12 under an Platinum P600 a few days ago (it's my 3rd grow) and had great results with it but it was time to expand my horizon. Really excited about how the girls will respond.