Neighbor harassing me...


Try and make friends with him ... Say hello, compliment his garden or is painted windows, his car. Keep on being nice, smile when you see him and wave. Even if it pains you to do so just hide it ...things will change


Active Member
Never had a single altercation with him. He's one of these do-gooders who thinks hes ridding the world by condemning marijuana. To him, its a drug- just like cocaine, meth, etc and all drugs are bad. Very simple world view. What I've done since my post is be extremely quiet, close all my windows and shades, and just trying to get off his radar. I can always hear him putting his head up to the wall and listening in to see if he can hear the fans or lights (1 fan, 1 400watt MH), etc. It's very unnerving. He's definitely making me extremely uncomfortable and he's telling neighbors I'm a drug dealer now.

He also says out loud: "He didn't get rid of them, he took them inside" etc. He's just on some kind of mission to get me busted. I think he also might be a cop. I heard him talking one afternoon about "cops going to bars and getting drunk being a problem, because they carry their weapons", etc. I'm not sure if it's a scare tactic or if he's a cop. I have way too much invested in my grow to abandon it. Nowhere to take them either.

I want to tape record him making these threats and catch it on video for legal purposes. One thing I do know (from prior roommates is he has marital difficulties and maybe I think he might be projecting his anger onto me)

There was also had an asian woman (who looks like an apartment manager, well dressed, etc.) knocking on my door asking for directions. I think they are trying to feel out the situation, but I havn't heard anything since then. I'm afraid to even walk out onto back patio. Sometimes when I do I can hear the mother or caretaker say "get inside now" to the children when I do walk outside. What am I? A pot grower pedophile? It's just crazy...

I realize growing outside was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I didn't think people would get their panties in a bunch over a couple seedling sized plants. I was experimenting at the time and wanted to know how they would fare compared to indoor but I learned my lesson. I also feel its passed the point where I want to even address it directly with a note or face-to-face. Someone who makes verbal threats unprovoked is in my book beyond reconciliation.

I suspect the next move is for them to find some reason to walk into the house (the managers) for some unrelated issue (electrical, plumbing, etc.) and attempt to go snooping. Yes I do have a license.

There's one last thing, maybe he heard me watching porn one day on computer and thinks I'm a perv (it gets lonely without my gf) - (since he's an avid eaves dropper), I know he's eaves dropping because the floorboards creak when you walk around, you can estimate how close someone is by the louder the sound gets, and also you can hear the weight up against the wall as if someone is bracing themselves. I've had thoughts maybe he belongs to some Scientology cult or some extreme fundamentalist religious sect to explain his behavior, or maybe he has listening devices on the wall.. I wouldn't put anything past him. I just want my "space" back and if I have to take him to court to do that, I will.
YOU have not said yet if you have a doctor recommendation ? second you don't seem to have the confrontational personality that I posses (LMAO ) .

IF IF IF you are legit , then you should wait for him outside and confront him. ( ALONE, no witnesses to you admitting to growing ) do not threaten or fight him just ask him what his problem is with you growing a plant to cure your CANCER ?

if he says he does not care then I will leave up to you what to start doing IN your apartment to drive him crazy and make him move. What time does he get up to go to work? LOUD music 4 hours prior to that for a week , will do great things, and turn it off after 10 minutes, way before any cops have a chance to get there. put the radio 2 inches from the adjoining wall to his favorite place to eavesdrop

if you both own , then you might be fucked and have to live with it, drive him out, or you leave.

Me I would start going outside with a hardon and showing it to the wife. Sun bathe baby, I guarantee you , that cock sucker will move or kill you. LMAO

so think it over. Me I would fuck with his head until he begs mercy. but try the honey approach first and leave the vinegar for last

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I thought anyone could become legal easy enough in California?

that's what I would do. then I'd go chimney mode and smoke out there backyard, sounds like they would move shortly after they realized they cant do shit about it


Well-Known Member
If he were a cop you'd know by now. And if he's a copy he's probably beating his wife too. Hence she wants to leave. Cause cops think they are the law. He figured out what they were and they were seedlings? I have 2 on my deck and my neighbors are cool. I know one knows what it is. I just keep it tucked behind the privacy fence. Your neighbour needs to deflect his attentions elsewhere. Lay low and try to move the stuff.
Like anyone's ever died of a pot overdose??


Well-Known Member
When you hear him listening to you through the wall just knock on it like your at someone's front door. As for the rest of it.. Hide your grow.. Befriend the gay couple they sound fun anyways and then it's 2 on 1


Well-Known Member
Bunch of un rational post for sure , I know this won't go over well but If you are legal and have one plant I would file a complaint that he is harassing and threating you and let the cops deal with it or move. PS I would've done the hot Asian lady for sure.


New Member
Is it really that safe to be cocky in cali about growing legally ? Lets say the cops get called on this guy and they know they cant do shit wont they easily involve someone that can like federally involved ? Or will even the feds respect a small time med grow ? I heard good things about police respecting small med grows ... But couldnt wouldnt they rat him out to feds ?


Well-Known Member
If your a legal grower, then I honestly don't see why you would'nt just go knock on his door. Be as polite as possible, say hello, and explain to him that your a legally licensed grower who prefers natural medicine to treat your illness, show him your card. Be polite and apologize for offending him with your outdoor grow and explain to him that this is solely for you. You don't have to be honest about it, just put on a fake smile if you have to. The object here is to kill him with kindness. Show him your a good guy, not a "criminal" and perhaps even educate him a bit in process. If he's a complete douche bag even to your face, just say thank you for your time, go back home. Every time you see him just say hello, how are you today? You will get under his skin more than he's ever gotten under yours by just being the nicest guy ever. If they choose to have a piss poor attitude then thats nothing you can change. But to be as nice as you can and respectful in their eyes is what changes peoples perceptions of MMJ users as being "bad people".


Well-Known Member
Many cities/counties in Cali have passed ordinances to prohibit outdoor growing..........because of people not being discrete.......


Well-Known Member
Which is soooo wrong..! If it's MMJ legal and I'm a cardholder you shouldn't be able to tell me I can't grow. This is what really pisses me of JJ. These cities and Counties need to be sued.. I think it is happening in places too. Now if you want to put a plant,size,greenhous BS city code on us well fine ! But don't tell me I can't grow ! Arizona's 25 mile rule needs to be in court right now !


Well-Known Member
it because of the crime that evolves from un-discrete grows.......robberies, shootings ect.......


Well-Known Member
Which is soooo wrong..! If it's MMJ legal and I'm a cardholder you shouldn't be able to tell me I can't grow. This is what really pisses me of JJ. These cities and Counties need to be sued.. I think it is happening in places too. Now if you want to put a plant,size,greenhous BS city code on us well fine ! But don't tell me I can't grow ! Arizona's 25 mile rule needs to be in court right now !
You cannot grow outdoors in Sacramento any ordinance's........


Well-Known Member
make sure its legal to grow OUT SIDE on the certification , if not cut them asap min sentence in 2 weeks just for 2 plants.


Well-Known Member
Is it really that safe to be cocky in cali about growing legally ? Lets say the cops get called on this guy and they know they cant do shit wont they easily involve someone that can like federally involved ? Or will even the feds respect a small time med grow ? I heard good things about police respecting small med grows ... But couldnt wouldnt they rat him out to feds ?
It varies county to county, but yeah nobody really gives a shit. The feds dont even take up too many of the big cases cuz everybodys doing it. most of the cases that end up in federal court are from guys mailing it outta state or having a bunch of other drugs or guns. and with colorado and washington being legal now for recreation they have bigger things to worry about. my permit is for 99 plants and 5lbs at a time, cost me an extra 2 bills and IT WORKS. and thats nothing compared to whats really going on out here
You really need to get some kind of recording, pictures, video, anything that can help you if you need it showing the behavior of this cheese wiz. That's the first thing I would do whether you were legal or not and the next thing is your ass had better be legal. You will have to decide how to deal with this moron since you are there but if he knows something is up he could escalate his behavior and become more aggressive. Right now he is still a coward choosing to only speak loud so that you can hear him but that can change fast.
So you can get into a huge pissing contest with num-nuts or just plain move away.