North Carolina outdoor 2009


Well-Known Member
I am putting them out just in case. I seem to have ran the bugs off but there is always a chance they will come back.

Sub, did you guys get that 5 minute torrential downpour today like we did?

Hell yeah, I did. I saw the clouds looking nasty as shit and went to the house to put the rubber tarp over the kids. I got there right when it cut loose and was soaked to the bone by the time I got to them and back. Then while I was changing into some dry clothes...silence.

Glad I put it up though, because it's still raining now, if not as hard.


Well-Known Member
One of my trainwreck clones had the whole top eaten off. I also found a slug on the other two. A lady that runs a business as a landscaper here told me today to put out a pie pan of beer and slugs and all sorts of other pesky bugs will crawl in it and die. Gonna try that tommorrow.

The ground was soaked the whole walk to them so I pretty much wasted a trip other than to take a few pictures.




Well-Known Member
looking good!

it's been rainy about all day. my plants still arent really picture worthy so i didnt bother going out. thinking of taking some clones off of a plant im sexing indoors. what do you think would be too late to put a clone out to get decent yield?


Well-Known Member
I'd say beginning to middle of june at the latest. Have you ever cloned?

yea, just havent bothered since no veg cabinet at the new location. plus I still havent grown any out far enough since i've been here. I'll probably root them under my floro and acclimate them on the deck before taking them to the thicket.


Well-Known Member
You should be ok. I sped up my clones by throwing a heating pad under them. They were ready for dirt in a week from cutting them. Believe it or not I had no luck with rockwool and cloning gel from the hydro shops. The only thing that worked for me was generic lowes rooting powder and peat pellets. 100% success all 4 strains.

I've heard of people getting good results waiting till as late as july to plant clones.



Well-Known Member
I have a perfect spot for some decent sized plants, but its hard to get to. I just want 100% females, rather than climbing in there weeding out males. I'd hate wasting all that time feeding something im just gonna pull up.


Well-Known Member
Those look nice man. I was always intimidated by the grow bags but it looks like you've got it down pat. What strain did you plant in those?

I've found that growing a few plants to get one mother is the way to go. I've heard mixed reviews about using female seeds but I germed 3 and got 3 females. Maybe I just got lucky.



Active Member
im on the roanoke river and wondering has anyone tried any type of auto of lowryder outdoors in our climate .. i got some up like 2 weeks old....


Well-Known Member
Glad to have you.

I personally haven't tried any auto strains but have heard nothing but good things. Just get a microscope and watch them real close. Seems like an auto would be easy to let go too long and the yeild isn't gonna be that great.



Well-Known Member
Yeah this cold weather is killing me!

It's reading at 47 right now @ 11:30 so I hope it hovers around there. Have a tarp over my girls so I think that should be enough (hopefully right).

I love this area but it seems like every year I deal with this, hope my veggie garden is good too.


Well-Known Member
Have a tarp over my girls so I think that should be enough
I had to tarp mine last night because of the rain. I had just started a bit of bondage on some and didn't want the soil getting muddy.

Damn if I didn't wake up at 1:30 this afternoon like, "Shit!". They were looking sad from being in the shade all day but they're looking better now. I need to post an update in a day or two.

I think the cold is done around here, at least any to worry about as far as covering plants up.

Just remember to get up early to uncover them :hump:


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is going to get cold enough to kill anything around here but I still get worried. The dramatic change in night time temperature can't be all that good for them though.

My Skunk plant is getting big already, I am probably going to take some pics today. :)