North Central FL indoor Grow Box (CFL/Bag Seed)


Well-Known Member
Yah I'll be doing scrog next grow. I don't have a screen that'll fit my case right now but that's not too difficult to deal with. I'll be picking up more stuff today from the hydro store so my next grow (which I'll prob start this weekend if my seeds germ'd) should be much better.

I'll feed 1/4 nutes next time I water her, should prob be about 2 days or so. She seems to go about 4 or so days between watering.

I've also put glass between the lights and the plants, seems to have made a huge difference in heat near the plants, now I just need to get a better fan to pull more air through there.


Well-Known Member
Kool Kool! great job! Let us know about the next grow. You should start a fresh thread for them!

I wanna see the glass! Pics!



Well-Known Member
Its ghetto but I'll get glass pics when the cam batteries get charged :)

When going to 12/12 should I keep my 4x26w 6500 and 1x26w 2700s going or should I add more 2700s?

Oh aside from heat, found out why my plants are stunted. I got a combo ph/water/light meter today (better than nothing) and found my ph at around 6.5. I plan on getting ph down tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
6.5 is fine. I wouldn't mess with it. i aimed for 6.3 to 6.5 when i did hydro. and every time i do dirt i use rain water. i would keep those lights, i have grown with all 6500k with great results and i have grown with a 50/50mix of 6500k and 2700k and seen no difference. but it your choice, but people will tell you to get all 2700k. when i see a side by side comparison i might change my mind.


Well-Known Member
Kool Cant wait for pics!

And i concur with Bikeskill, I think your fine with the lights you have in there now.

Im running all 2700K 150w(42) CFLs, But thats just because those are the ones I bought. Ive accually heard that haveing a duel spectrum in there durring flowering is better.

So..Moral of the story, Id keep all your lights in there.

As far as that pH goes. Thats fine. Dont screw with it or ull be fighting it all the time. : )

When are your planning on going to 12/12?



Well-Known Member
Ok, I was off, her PH was between 7 and 8, but I don't know how good that meter is and I swore the first reading was between 6 and 7. Now the water hangs around 6.5 or so, so I'm not messing w/PH.

Ok, so plant 1 is doing good. She was rootbound (popping out of the bottom of the pot) so I moved her into a larger one tonight and gave her a little water since she was bone dry. Probably won't see any progress for the next day or so until she adjusts to the soil.

Plant 2, well, plant 2 is doing good but deformed as fuck. I moved to 12/12 last night, came in today and she jumped up in size. I'm going to grow her until I see sex, even though she's mutated as hell, you never know.



Well-Known Member
Nice Nice! Well Ya that pH moving up and down is just fine,Its normal.

On Plant #1 Its looking nice and green. Very healthy. How old are both of them again?

Then Plant #2 Is looking good. Of Course not as healthy. But its looking fine. I think it will turn out just fine.

Overall great job! +Rep for the great job!



Well-Known Member
How old are both of them again?
9/21 for the first plant, so a little over a month old.
10/8 for the second plant, so about 3wks.

1st plant had a lot of abuse in its early life, 2nd plant seems to have much faster growth, probably because it hasn't suffered as much as plant 1 :)

Thanks for the rep, I still gotta spread some 'round. :)


Well-Known Member
Thats true. My Runt in my first grow turned out to be the only female and she had some beautiful buds!



Well-Known Member
Couple of pics, nothing new to report. Had to water plant 1 (checked her and she was dry though I didn't water her much during the transplant.

Plant 2 ok and needs no water.

Pic 1 is extreme closeup using a 10x jewelers mag. I confused my cam so it took about 15min to get it where it stopped saying "Please turn off and back on" with the lense fully extended. POS point-n-shoot.



Well-Known Member
Alright! Beautiful Babies. Is she showing signs of sex? I cant tell in the closeup.

The 1st plant is looking great! Nice node spacing, Probly will be able to Top in a couple more days.

Plant 2 is stunted growth, But still a healthy green and odd leaves.... Hmm.



Well-Known Member
Nah not yet, gonna take better pics in a couple of days prob unless she shows sex sooner.

Yeah plant 2 is really weird. It was the one that couldn't grow out of the seed shell at first, so that probably had something to do with it. Nodes are growing all weird too if you look at the pics. The first node came out fine, the 2nd node has only one branch coming from it and it has a lower node at a to the side of it instead of across from it. Leaves are odd as hell too, at first I thought a seed from a different plant got mixed in, but no, she's def weed.

She has a like a down-syndrome for plants or something.


Well-Known Member
Ha. well Watch her have like the most Dank shit youve ever seen,lol!

Anyway! Glad to hear their doing alright, Cant wait for pics. Ill be posting up some pics tonight : )



Well-Known Member
Plants are doin good, plant 1 is already showing pistils (yay!) but also what might look like balls however they are too small to tell. It could be a hermie but we'll see. I need batteries for the cam so that'll wait till tomorrow.

I found small black specs on the leaves, freaked out thinking it might be mites. Got an old home remedy my gmom used when she had a nursery.

Warm Water + Dish Soap + Oil. She reccomended Olive Oil but I didn't have any, she said she's used cooking oil before. It just allows the formula to 'stick' to the bugs. Plant 2 had no signs so I did plant 1 and hoping it doesn't hurt it. Would rather use this method if it works instead of pesticide.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just dirt from the fans blowing or me moving around the plants but I saw a couple of small spots of them under the leaves as well. They were too hard to make out from my 10x jeweler mag, and there were no webs. Cross your fingers, will Check on them tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ya hopefully it isint mites. Im sure not.

Cool job on the home remedy. : )



Well-Known Member
Update time!! (yay)

Well, first off.. I tried to update last night and my workshop computer kept locking up. Today it finally fried (ugh) but thankfully I have a couple of extra that I haven't done anything with. Just had to install XP, Antivirus, proxy soft and the norms. So back to business!

Plant 1 is doing great. After the home remedy she hasn't had any more small black spots on her though I still think it might have been dust as opposed to mites or anything else. I've checked her each day under the leaves and all over with no sign. The first 3 pictures are all her, as you can see she has some hairs popping out! I can officially call her as SHE! She was thirsty so I went ahead and watered her, been about 3/4 days since her last watering so that's good. Also, think now is a good time to get a clone? I hate to cut off the only part that has shown hairs. If its too late its no big deal, I'm not too concerned about getting a clone since I don't have a veg room setup yet.

Plant 2 is being, well, itself. All new growth is still funky as hell. No hairs but I'm wondering if those are balls or just hairs starting to pop out. They arn't fully formed yet so its hard to tell compared to the chart I saw. Any ideas?

'till next time! Grow safe, Grow happy. :)



Well-Known Member
Well Plant #1 Is deff. Sativa dominate. Those long skinny sexy leaves!

Plant #2 is hanging in there! Im excited to see how she turns out!
