Nothing but purple. Grand daddy purple.


There are 12 plants, and im running 2 600 wats, plus a 400 watt. Using floraBloom nute lines up. These plants are flowering, there probabaly about 3 weeks or so in. There was a problem with root aphids, Still some what is they hatched again 2 days ago, most are dead now but they could hatch again. I don't think this will be a spectacular harvest. because its been one problem after the next. Next time i wont get clones from an untrusted source! I'll go to my local dispensary.

These pictures are from this morning -


Well-Known Member
plants look great and ready to take off,,i been lookin at the grandaddy purp beans,did all germ,good female ratio?i'm doin 33 fem purps now and super silver haze,, got a couple dark purple ones,more as they rippen .i'm subed.


Well-Known Member
yu got clones.ok never mind the bean qest.,lol.yea i had hell with some freakin web worms on my leaves2 months ago.sprayed heavy duty commercial stuff ,dropped them all,lol.then a few hermies on a few ,picked them off to save the plant,be damned i saw a few seeds on a couple lower branches,so no epademic beside a bad back from lookin for hermies daily,amazingly gettin some weight.cheers my friend.


Yeah, i would recommend getting beans. The plants ive grown from seeds seemed to do a lot better, then these are doing. Next grow from seeds


Well-Known Member
i've done clones a couple yrs then tried doin seeds,found the yield and internodes more close leaf to leaf calyx compact weight than clones.yures do look qite healthy and look good for wat day yure on.


I hope the harvest is decent, i have no idea what to even expect. This is a big step up from the last grow, I did 4 plants in my closet, but under florecents. So they didnt grow so big.


I have to fill up a five gallon bucket and water them twice everyday, i have them in these containers that apperently stimulate root growth. And it forces the roots to grow down, and not rap around the pot. The problem with them is, that the containers go dry so quickly. But next grow im going hydro, i do believe. Ill post more pics when the lights come back on.


This is my first update, Sorry its been so long. Have had alot of work to do!

Week 5, GDP -


They have been doing okay. I'm hoping to get something worth while, This will probably be consumed by myself
in about a month or so, after harvest. (: