oak wardrobe organic grow


Well-Known Member
I normally dont have problems with using it but the train wreck I'm growin is really sensitive for some reason, so lately ive been adjusting the ph to 5.5 or 6 and the plants are happy now,


Well-Known Member
Well I got lucky in that regard. My water at home is a solid 6.8. Saw it once at 6.5. But cant say i really monitor it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Well I got lucky in that regard. My water at home is a solid 6.8. Saw it once at 6.5. But cant say i really monitor it anymore.
Its not the pH. The pH is 7 on the nose. It was every time I checked.

I live close to the treatment plant. The chemicals are strong when it comes out my tap. I'm fixing to drill a well.

20 miles away and I'll drink the water. Its lost some power.

Everyone thinks because its a government run entity that its all good.

I've seen some shit with my own ideas that let me know otherwise

Hell where they pump water back into the river you can see oil slick on the water.

I thought about having it tested.


Well-Known Member
Nice thing about public utilities however, they do post their reports online on their water tests. not saying its accurate, but its out there.


Well-Known Member
But still. With all the environmental shit going on across the country, worrying about our water in this day and age, shouldn't even happen. Did you report them to someone? Id have snitched all over that shit. At least after I had already secured other employment. lol


Well-Known Member
But still. With all the environmental shit going on across the country, worrying about our water in this day and age, shouldn't even happen. Did you report them to someone? Id have snitched all over that shit. At least after I had already secured other employment. lol
No. I took a pic and said I would. They got it worked out.

I'm sure that water is generally safe around the USA. I'm also sure that some are doing g something wrong. Its that way in everything in life.

Major Blazer

Well-Known Member
What kind of fan are you using for air exchange? Passive or active intake? My RH is over 50% atm and I'm worried that this may become an issue later down the line since it seems to go up a bit daily. I'm using a 6" duct fan (240cfm) and a passive intake. I'm considering something a little more beefcake like a can max fan (334cfm) or larger. I would hate to have mold ruin a crop.


Well-Known Member
Ah, lovely spread there :)
Could you get rid of the mites?
I think the spinosad worked.

What kind of fan are you using for air exchange? Passive or active intake? My RH is over 50% atm and I'm worried that this may become an issue later down the line since it seems to go up a bit daily. I'm using a 6" duct fan (240cfm) and a passive intake. I'm considering something a little more beefcake like a can max fan (334cfm) or larger. I would hate to have mold ruin a crop.
4 inch ventech. Passive.