one plant per light!


Well-Known Member
Can you explain why or how? I'd personally like to know.

My humidity has been like this for a few grows and some grows I don't have that humidity but I have never had a issue with production.
Sure.The plant needs humidity for bud formation.The plants natural response to low humidity or temp levels is to create resin.
It takes a somewhat higher humidity level for buds to form correctly on the plant.
Some strains like lower humidity.Strains that most originate in the higher mountain areas of the world with lower humidity levels.Like indicas or afghanis.The still need a higher humidity level to form bud correctly.The more sativa leaning plants tend to like a little higher humidity levels as they come from the equatorial regions of the world.
What made me notice the difference in production one day is when i went over to a buddy of mines grow room and noticed how small and puny his buds were as compared to mine.I also noticed how super resinous they were.I got to checking around and his humidity levels are around 30%..There is a huge difference in bud development between his grow and mine.Can i attribute it all to humidity? Of course not.But it is a huge factor for sure.
I grow several different strains most of them seem to like a humidity levels around 50%.
The stimata stimina?Well whatever it is called however it is spelled MUST have moisture to develop the buds on your plant.If the humidity levels are to low they will not develop to their fullest potential.If the humidity levels are to high they will not develop to their fullest potential and will be lacking resin content to boot.
If a grower was only growing one plant he could dial in his humidity levels for the best effect for the plant he is growing.If you are growing more than one strain it is best to keep a happy medium of what ALL the plants like.
You will find a guide in the indoor growers bible that will tell you around where you should set your humidity levels.They are at around the 50% area.
You can grow your plants however you want is the bottom line.But if you want to do yourself a favor raise the humidity levels in your grow some and observe the difference.
Whats it going to cost you?what are you going to lose?What do you have to gain?
Ill help you answer these questions..Its going to cost you time and a little bit of water.You have nothing to lose by adding humidity to your room and what you have to gain is ALLOT of production.
My words do not come on high like gods words.Always confirm what people are telling you.There is ALLOT of misinformation on these sites with people who barely understand logic, little lone can grow a plant, being spread around like its gospel.
Normally if it sounds logical and reasonable it probably is.
I run almost 8000 watts of grow..while considered a big grow by some of the standards around here i know guys who run 16000k watts or more.To me i have a small grow compared to some.
You will almost never see a pic of my grow on these sites in roll it up for several reasons.One it is so big as compared to others it freaks me out to show pics of it.To me it is small though.
Whenever i run into one of these growers who are running 16000k watts i listen to what they have to say.I pick up good advice from these guys.Advice only experience can purchase.
A grower who runs 16000 watts, grows more dope in one month than most growers do in around a year.They gain more experience in one month than most do in over a year.
Life is a challenge and struggle.There are those of us who go through life with this is good enough attitude.Then there are those of us who are not happy with anything and always looking to make it better,One day a guy was looking at the moon..or one night. and he said to himself i think ill go to the moon and did it.He was met with lots of failures..and failures and failures but he never gave up on his idea of going to the moon.The good enough crowd would have never had the motivation to go to the moon.
The good enough crowd would not have had the courage to face failure after failure in order to achieve the goals.
I am humbled upon occasion by someone i think is a complete mental retard..or so close to it in IQ rating he has to be borderline at times i think.
But every once in awhile he comes up with a really good idea.He is what we like to call simple.But his simple mind catch's things that are simple that my mind wouldnt because my mind try's to make things more complex than they really are sometimes.
The best leaders,businessmen the world has ever known had not surrounded them self's with other men who agree with them.They surround them self's with men who disagree with them,They need to collect all the data from every angle to make a informed decision about things is why they do this.This is what has made these men /women great in the eyes of history.
Well i got chatty weed..time to shut up.Happy New Year everyone.


Well-Known Member
google dr. gruber or search here at riu, he got i think 30 ounces off of a single Chemdawg G13 and says its very potent to boot


Well-Known Member
still not harvested her, she is sitting in darkness waiting for my lazy ass to get round to it, i'llbe back with a harvest update


Well-Known Member

chopped tonight, i left a lot of leaf matter on the buds but it was resin coated, i might trim later i might not lol.


Well-Known Member
Looks nice. The only other thing would have been to replant that momma in a fiber bag 20 gallon or 40 gallon of soil. Then sit it up on milk crates for great air flow.
Plant might have yielded huge.
A friend that does 1K hps a plant in 20 gallon pots has sick results.
Really outstanding results.
Like "Damn" results.
Buds bigger than my legs in width results.
That's the same exact setup I got! How much is your friend yielding per plant? Veg time?