Our Grow: A newbs first (so far successful) grow, w/pics!


Well-Known Member
Our Little Garden
3/6/2008 Day 1
Placed 5 seeds in moistened paper towel and sealed them in plastic wrap in my eyeglasses case. Put the case in the freezer with 1 42 watt CFL. Temp/humidity gauge shows 78.8 F w/ 20% humidity. Hope it works this time!
3/7/2008 Day 2
Checked the seeds, and a couple have cracked already. Will leave them to sprout longer this time, as I think last time we planted them too soon. Tomorrow will buy some perlite and a soil Ph/moisture meter. We now have our FoxFarms ferts and nutes, so I am excited and think this grow will definitely turn out better than the last one.
3/8/2008 Day 3
Checked seeds, one had a really long taproot, so I planted it today. Scott’s premium soil and white Styrofoam cup. I watered the soil a bit, but it was not overly wet. Placed the seed about half inch into the soil and covered it gently. I sure do hope this one grows. Inside the freezer now, where the temp is 79.5 degrees F. The humidity in the freezer was steady at 20%, so I placed a bowl of very hot water inside, and it quickly rose to 27%. We’ll be watching to see what happens. I am still waiting on the Mylar I ordered to come in. Hope it’s soon, we need to start setting up the main grow area. Did not buy perlite or the meters because we have no money.
3/9/2008 Day 4
Checked remaining seeds, all had very long taproots, so I planted the rest in cups. All are in the freezer now (5 total) with 3, 42 watt CFLs. Two have domes that I made out of coke bottle tops. As soon as we get other empty bottles, I’ll make more. Temp is 86.5 F, humidity 20%. I opened the freezer a little more and have the fan blowing in, but I turned off one light. I’m worried it will get too hot inside. Decided later not to use the domes after all.
3/10/2008 Day 5
Success!!! Two plants sprouted, one late last night, and another this evening!! There is another yet that looks like it may bust through. I am very pleased. I watered them today, plain water only. I turned the third light back on last night, and cracked the freezer a little higher so more air from the fan could get through. The temp stays between 75-83 degrees, but the humidity is still only at 20%.
3/12/2008 Day 7
We now have 3 lovely sprouts, and one that looks like it’s really trying to grow. The other cup is empty still, but I will wait a bit before I toss it. I watered them today, and all but the one looks healthy and happy. With the next watering I will add the Fox Farms Big Bloom.
3/13/08 Day 8
I watered them again today by accident, with Big Bloom mixed in. They actually look a bit perkier, except for one. She looks a little small, but at least she’s alive. The other two already have their second set of leaves! Very small, but there. I’ll wait about 3 days before I water again. I really hope I didn’t stunt them with over watering…The other two aren’t growing, I don’t think. One started to, I can still see the tiny stem, with the seed casing still on top. I think it’s dead though. The other one too. Temp stays between 75-85 degrees, with humidity staying at 20%.
3/14/2008 Day 9
Watered them today and opened up the lid so it wouldn’t get too hot. They look so pretty and cute! I really hope this goes well, we’re both very excited.
3/15/2009 Day 10
Got a moisture meter, a Ph meter and some perlite today. I checked the plants, 1 said it was nearly dry so I watered it again until the meter read “moist”. The other two were fine, still reading at low moist. The Ph on all was right where it needed to be, around 6.5. We also bought some reflective plastic stuff because we couldn’t find mylar. It looks good, and I really think it will work just fine. Got a lock for the upstairs door as well. Everything’s getting ready! Very excited, we’re going to work on the growroom today!


Well-Known Member
It sound so funny..put them in the freezer...like that is norml. SO you are thinking of expanding, maybe I missed it what is the plan, if you wouldn't mind. You are planing to add... and use...for your medium.....space total etc. Have you heard of SeeMoreBuds book, Marijuana Buds For Less? well I guess that is enough questions for now, welcome to our little group. VV


Well-Known Member
It sound so funny..put them in the freezer...like that is norml. SO you are thinking of expanding, maybe I missed it what is the plan, if you wouldn't mind. You are planing to add... and use...for your medium.....space total etc. Have you heard of SeeMoreBuds book, Marijuana Buds For Less? well I guess that is enough questions for now, welcome to our little group. VV
Hi VV, yeah, i'll be putting them in an upstairs grow room when i replant them. The room is a tiny little upstairs half-room, beside the stairs, sort of the shape of a triangle, with the ceiling gradually closing down to the floor. What i think i'm gonna do is block half of that room off by hanging my white/black poly, and covering the rest of the room in the poly. That will give me about maybe 10 square feet of growing space, and the way the ceiling angles, it'll be a great place to hang lights from because it's not very tall at all. i'm 5'4", and can JUST stand up at the very front of it. So far it's 3 plants, but who knows how many, if any, will be female. i'm hoping for at least one. Using soil (Scott's premium), and when it's needed, i have Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom nutes. Thanks for lookin in! :)

SWAT Slash

Active Member
Hey, im about a week and a half behind you, using CFLs (and some flouros) with bagseed and soil, so ill be watching you! How large are you planning on growing your plants?


Well-Known Member
Hey, im about a week and a half behind you, using CFLs (and some flouros) with bagseed and soil, so ill be watching you! How large are you planning on growing your plants?
i'm not really sure how big i'll grow them--i'd really like to have a good harvest, if it's possible. There aren't really any time constraints on me, so i'll see how it goes. :) Hahah, yeah, i think a lot of people were confused about the freezer, lol. For the record--it's not plugged in hahah. It's an old freezer doing nothing but taking up space, so i thought, why not grow some goodies in there? ;) Thanks for watching, keep me updated on yours! Have any pics?

*edit* is that this grow in your sig?

SWAT Slash

Active Member
Ya, i got picks of my closet setup and the seeds germinating, but no actual sprouts yet, just started germinating them this morning.

SWAT Slash

Active Member
No, thats my grow. Haha, it almost exactly yours, but i have two 20watt flouros, that pretty much the only difference i can tell lol


Well-Known Member
Ya, i got picks of my closet setup and the seeds germinating, but no actual sprouts yet, just started germinating them this morning.
Yup, i checked it out, and left ya a note. ;) Good luck with your grow. Mine germed in the paper towel and had long ass taproot showing almost the very next day. i'm too impatient to wait for them to germ in the soil lol

SWAT Slash

Active Member
lol no, i meant "this grow" as in "this grow you were talking about", i.e., yours. ;)
Oh, i get it lol.

What store did you get those light hangers with the clips on them from? Clips would be nice, instead of trying to get them to hang in the right place by using the little bars in the shelves.


Well-Known Member
Oh, i get it lol.

What store did you get those light hangers with the clips on them from? Clips would be nice, instead of trying to get them to hang in the right place by using the little bars in the shelves.
Got em at Home Depot, 15 bucks CDN each. Found them on the aisle with all the lighting equipment and whatnot. They come with reflectors as well, but they wouldn't fit in my freezer (hahaha), and it is so reflective in there anyway, i thought i'd store them til i move them upstairs. Handy things.

SWAT Slash

Active Member
Got em at Home Depot, 15 bucks CDN each. Found them on the aisle with all the lighting equipment and whatnot. They come with reflectors as well, but they wouldn't fit in my freezer (hahaha), and it is so reflective in there anyway, i thought i'd store them til i move them upstairs. Handy things.
Thats awsome [jealous of reflectors and clip...] 15 each isnt bad at all for all that.

I can imagine that that white stuff they coat the fridges in is pretty reflective (Im starting to think that my old beer fridge in the garage might have a use when it breaks :)


Well-Known Member
So i set up my big(ger) grow room today. A little half-room upstairs. You can't tell by the pics, but the ceiling of the room is sloped. We put black&white poly on the ceiling and walls, and then i hung a sheet of it towards the back because we wouldn't be able to use that part anyway, as it slopes all the way to the floor. i don't have my lights up yet, those will be done tomorrow, so the picture quality is kind of shitty, but you get the idea. Advice and ideas always welcomed and appreciated.


SWAT Slash

Active Member
Very Nice. The only thing im worried about is how much height is available? Cause even if you start flowering now, they will probably be aorund like 2 ft tall when all said and done from what ive seen here.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice. The only thing im worried about is how much height is available? Cause even if you start flowering now, they will probably be aorund like 2 ft tall when all said and done from what ive seen here.
The height is actually about 5.5 feet. Even where they are now, towards the back, it's about 3' in height. Hard to tell from the pic, but i can stand up straight in the front, and i'm 5'4".


Well-Known Member
Also, i know the more light the better, but for that size room (about 3'x3'x5.5') what would be the minimum amount of lumens necessary? i'll go above it, i just want to get an idea. So far i have 3, 42watters (putting out about 8000 lumes), i was planning on buying about 6 more, and possibly some 27watt bulbs as well.