Our Grow: A newbs first (so far successful) grow, w/pics!


Well-Known Member
transplanting wont really bother them at all if you nice and gentle. you can get some superthrive to help. (vitamine B1 for plants) Humidity is a little low but not a huge deal

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Great, thanks guys, that's really helpful. i have moisture meter, and i only water when it says dry, but i think i made a mistake by giving them the nutes so early. Lesson learned. The humidity level in their current grow box stays between 20-30%, is that ok? Also, when i transplant them, i will also be moving them upstairs to their designated grow room. Is there anything i should do to prevent shock to the plant, or will this not bother them?
That humidity is low you want about 50 to 65 for little girls like that. You could try to put some celulose sponges in with them, or water bowls or both.......... or humidifier if possible.


Well-Known Member
That humidity is low you want about 50 to 65 for little girls like that. You could try to put some celulose sponges in with them, or water bowls or both.......... or humidifier if possible.
i tried hot water bowls, but that didn't really work--although i didn't boil the water, it was just really hot tap water. Also, i have them in an old freezer, and i'm forced to leave the lid cracked open with a fan blowing in, otherwise it get wayyyy too hot inside. Could this be part of the problem?

i will look for a humidifier, because i don't think it will be much more humid upstairs in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Good looking grow so far princess! I may be a total tard, but how do you add a signature to your profile. I've been looking for how to do it, but to no avail. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Here's an update--not much has been going on with them, really. The last pics are from yesterday, so i'll wait a few more days for some pics. Just watching and waiting :P

3/16/2007 Day 11
Lookin good today, they seem to be growing beautifully. Watered the two I didn’t water yesterday (plain water), the other one was still reading moist. Ph levels still great at 7, and the temp is 84.7 right now, but I have the oven on, which is close to the freezer. We set up the big room today! It looks awesome, and now I’m super excited to get this growing in there. Still don’t have the rest of my lights, and need to get a few more things, but the hard part is done! Hanging all that poly was a bitch, with the measuring and the cutting and whatnot, but we got it done! I’m very proud. J
3/17/2008 Day 12
Watered them today, all looked good. Ph levels were good. Nothing new to report. Temp around 74-75 degrees, humidity varies between 20-30%. One still seems kind of small, and has a purplish hue to the leaves. It looks decidedly different from the other two, which are a bright green. We watch it closely.
3/18/2008 Day 13
Nothing much going on today. They look healthy to me, but the leaves are kind of in a pinwheel form. Not sure if it’s because they just grew out, or if it’s a problem. Will keep watching.
3/19/2008 Day 14
They’re 2 weeks old today! Well, 2 weeks from germination, day 9 from sprout. Watered them all today, they look a bit larger than yesterday. Temp is 79.5, humidity is 20%.



Well-Known Member
i think i burnt my girls! :sad: The bottom leaves are crispy, and one broke in my hand. i thought i had the light high enough, but evidently i didn't. What happened is, the last time i watered, i got some of the water on the bottom leaves. i tried to be careful, but it happened anyway. i tried to wipe them off, but i didn't want to break any leaves, so i let it be. i noticed this morning they weren't looking right, so i investigated. Crispy bottom leaves! :( It's not nute burn, because i'm only using plain water which tests normal according to my Ph tester...i'm assuming that i burnt them, but could it be something else? Take a look, i'd really appreciate some advice. Will they survive?


SWAT Slash

Active Member
Helooooo!!!!! Sorry its been a while. The plants are lookin good, but how wet it that dirt? It looks pretty wet from here, lol You want it damp, but not soaking wet, you know this right?


Active Member
I really wouldn't transplant them yet. I have a plant that looked yellow and crispy that I thought had no hope at all and after a few days and a tiny bit of watering it came back out. These plants are extremely resilient and will survive a lot of abuse if you address the problems in a timely fashion.

Let them grow in that pot for a while, they have plenty of room for now. Transplanting them in their current state could completely kill them.


Well-Known Member
Well i've watered them a couple of times since the burn, and they seem to be perking up a bit. We went to Home Depot and got a few more things. i'm thinkin i'll transplant them tonight and put them in their new grow room. Will they survive? Should i really wait like the other guy said? i just think they'll be able to stretch out in the new pots, and let their roots spread out.

The top leaves have new, green healthy-looking growth, which is encouraging. i'm really hoping they can get past my stupidity and grow the way God meant for them to. :P Here's fresh pics to show the damage and growth. And SWAT, the soil is just dark, not wet. ;) The girls are 2 1/2 weeks old today. Are they undersized? Right on target? Larger? Comments and advice greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Also, should i break off the crispy leaves, or just leave them alone? i'm tempted to prune it til it's pretty again, but i'm nervous to do so. Do crispy/dead leaves take water away from the other leaves?


Active Member
I'd trim off the worst and lowest leaves and leave the questionable ones until the plants have recovered and grown more leaves. Transplanting after pruning might be a good idea unless they dont look strong enough.



Well-Known Member
I only read through really quickly... But...Quit messing with it so much, the beginning is the hardest you just have to let it do it's thing (especially your first time, you have to accept the fact you just might not succeed). You need aeration in your soil it will help you out a ton. You planted pretty deep in your cup , and it's a pretty small cup (from what i can tell). You should not have used nutrients yet. I would transplant it without a doubt now!!! 2 and a half weeks is way too long for a small foam cup!! After transplant give it some cold water.. Plants love cold water. Then just water every couple days when you see it start to wilt a little, you don't want to drown the motherfucker, even a little water ever day or two perks it up nicely.. You'll get it in time.. Hope you have some back ups...


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, thanks for responding so quickly. i will definitely transplant them today then, and get rid of some of those burnt lower leaves. Cold water though? i've read everywhere that they like room temperature water, so as not to shock the root system. Also, my tap water is highly cholorinated, so i let it sit out overnight so the chemicals evaporate.

i've been watering with plain water except for the one nute feed i did wayyy too early. When should i introduce nutes? i have Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and Grow Big. i've got the FoxFarms schedule, but i read several places that i should use a fraction of what it actually calls for. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying ice cold... but yeah I'd try out a little cooler then room temperature. Every plant I have ever seen loves it... A lot...

Usually nute around 3-5 weeks.. If you transplant and see growth slow noticably hit it with a 1/4 strength nute, and work your way up... Once you start using nutes you don't have to use it every water either, I would not recommend it.. every other or every third...

But you have to realize everyone does shit differently this is what has worked in my experience..