Outdoor grows 2014 Southern Hemisphere it's bud time.


New Member
HEy guys here are my first 2 girls ever i think they are good would like tham to start flowering soon as they are getting to high LOve all the pics guys it helps any advice on my plants would be greatly appreciated i am near syd as to do with light ( daylight saveing exc...........)



Well-Known Member
welcome mate, thanks for dropping in and posting your pics, I would be surprised if they didn't flower in the next 2-3 weeks. Most of the local growers I talk to are at least going into preflower, but if you have sativa dom plants which pic one looks sativa dom flower could start even later, the heat wave we are having could slow it down too. Summer Solstice was dec 22 (longest day) so every day after is a day closer to flower. Cheers mate


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update, I had to move the ladies indoors because of electricians work.
so I thought I'd take some more pics... Enjoy
looking sick redeyedfrog! your the furtherest along in flowering that I've seen of the aus growers. nice early harvest is always good! I have a mate that has one plant about a week ahead of you gets me excited for whats to come when i go around to his joint and see it. best time of the year, enjoy it mate and good luck !


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nugget, they are my first outdoors and I'll never grow indoors again unless I have to,
my mate at the hydro shop is freaking out about
it, he can't believe they are 4-5 weeks in.
the only thing we can figure is I've got them in morning sun, 8am till about 12 and the
sun hits the trees after and it's only filtered light after.
by the way I've looked at your grows too and you put out some nice trees man!
do you prefer growing out indica or sativas? I also crossbred for the first time so I'm expecting lol.
Are you local? Act, gouldburn, qbn?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nugget, they are my first outdoors and I'll never grow indoors again unless I have to,
my mate at the hydro shop is freaking out about
it, he can't believe they are 4-5 weeks in.
the only thing we can figure is I've got them in morning sun, 8am till about 12 and the
sun hits the trees after and it's only filtered light after.
by the way I've looked at your grows too and you put out some nice trees man!
do you prefer growing out indica or sativas? I also crossbred for the first time so I'm expecting lol.
Are you local? Act, gouldburn, qbn?
dunno why either man but pretty sure it wouldn't be from them being in the shade as there is still so much light even when you are in the shade, only reason what i can come up with is that the plants are root bound or close too. Ive seen a plant in a small container trigger flowering well early. Doesn't matter when your this close to the finish anyway id be stoked to be a month into flowering. Product will go quick as no one else has harvested if thats how you do , otherwise just means you won't be spending money on other peoples shit weed you will be smoking your own primo! can't wait to see some pics in a few weeks time. Have you made the transition from veg nutes to flowering nutes yet? what do you use for flowering?


Well-Known Member
Yeah nowhere close to root bound, pulled the males and there was heaps of room.
yeah it's for my personal, I never grew outdoors before but I'm so happy with
My results outdoors I'll never grow under lights again if I can help it.
like I said I can't identify why I got early flowering but I'm not complaining.
yeh man I'm using my own worm castings (tea) I also use canna Flores,
using a vitamin b nutri bloom and seaweed, not all at once lol.
got any suggestions? Your gals are lookin lovely!


Well-Known Member
yeh you can't beat the sun and if you don't get enough off your outdoor to last you till next season just do an indoor in the winter!

I use the worm juice too they seem to like it. I just use veg nutes until about 2-3 weeks into flower and then switch to liquid potash and this liquid karma think its something like 0-30-40 or something can't remember. But liquid potash alone will do.

what size pots are your plants in? Everytime i grow in pots i have so many problems not sure why its a lot harder in pots i think!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how many liters but they measure 370 mm
across. Havnt had any probs with mine at all except ones a bit retarded
and gets weird nute deficiencies.
not many pest either, I've used confidir and maverick, a little hesitant at this point to use
chems again, although I've got a resident praying mantis I think he's doing a good job,
frostiness is now starting time to get my loupe.
cheers mate


Well-Known Member
I also create my own soil using sheep poo, worm castings, bat guano, ash, Epsom salts. Seaweed
goid quality potting soil, perlite, coco and it's worked beautifully. Let it age 4-5 weeks so it's not hot and
its absolute magic! I love the whole concept of feed the soil and the soil will feed the plant.


Well-Known Member
So guys, gals.... Show is yer girls please, I can't just keep posting my gals even though they are
sticky yummy and sweet.


Well-Known Member
So yesterday I got this bright idea while I was cleaning my
fish tank, why not use the water to feed my girls!
well it seemed like a great idea but today I went out to check my
gals and the stink is horrible lol. But it must be good because my worms
were looking fat and sassy like they were on holidays lol on the Gold Coast!
By the way I thought my worms were expired but they were at the top of the pots munching away.
this organic things workin out pretty good!


Well-Known Member
Hey letstrip, sorry bout your male but he looks
like a good bull, ever breed? If not I can give some advice.
i usually toss them but pollen chucking is a fun experiment.
so how many plants are left?


Well-Known Member
Hey letstrip, sorry bout your male but he looks
like a good bull, ever breed? If not I can give some advice.
i usually toss them but pollen chucking is a fun experiment.
so how many plants are left?
Some advcie would be good bro. This is my first and only plant ive ever done haha
Whats pollen chucking?


New Member
These are mine out of my first grow so far. Daylight savings was gettin to them a bit I think and the random temperatures. I also had to change colour of my pots as three I had in black pots got toasted



Well-Known Member
Some advcie would be good bro. This is my first and only plant ive ever done haha
Whats pollen chucking?[/QUOTE
]Id try to put another seed down but your yield wont be great this late in the season but worth a go. I would put at least four down and
through natural attrition you should get 2-3 females.
pollen chucking is basically fertilising your gals, but i do it selectively and pollinate individual bud sites but more on that later. have another go dude...good luck


Well-Known Member
Some advcie would be good bro. This is my first and only plant ive ever done haha
Whats pollen chucking?[/QUOTE
]Id try to put another seed down but your yield wont be great this late in the season but worth a go. I would put at least four down and
through natural attrition you should get 2-3 females.
pollen chucking is basically fertilising your gals, but i do it selectively and pollinate individual bud sites but more on that later. have another go dude...good luck
Id like to ae but I think I might just wait it out till next season. This was the only seed to germinate lol