PLant Burn??


Well-Known Member
Im flowering right now, have a 600w hps, It was about 7inches from the top of te plant today when I moved it up a little more, I might be burning it, Im not sure the edges are not yellowing but the leaves seam to begetting faded by the intense light. I dont have any close up shots, becasue its the dark period but If anyone could tell me if from that description waht tehy think. I was told if my hand doesnt burn the plants wont but I feel like I can put my hand like 3inches away??
Any info or thoughts,



Well-Known Member
They look like they're gettin hot, see the leaves curlin down away from the heat? Try aimin a fan at the light or Raise ur light to a save height when it come on next, start it out like a foot from the tops of the plants. Scrap the 'heat on the hand trick' and get ur thermometer and get actual temp readings. I got mine rigged on a string that I can raise and lower as i please, I keep it right around the top of the nugs so I know theyre good.


Well-Known Member
yea thanks man, I held a therm under it for a lil while and under the lights was damn near 95f, my room is a constant 75f, Ill move the light up tomorrow, thanks man, also does there seem to be any lasting damaga or if I take care of it now will I be ok. thanks again


Well-Known Member
There doesn't look in the pics like they got it bad, so the damge should be minimal. U'll be fine as long as u keep em from burnin up ya know? Seriously, that's not bad, I've seen guys totally crisp up huge nugs from the heat I MEAN CRISP! Find ur right height with that thermometer and u should be gettin some nice nugs soon!