Plant hospital


Well-Known Member
thats fine.(dry room wait till them buds are dry on the ouside crispy(they will still be wet inside) then jar them. takes me about a week to 14 days at 50%rh) glad to hear things are looking up for you!


Active Member
my hot water cupboard is the only place i can dry them without the kids etc... getting near them , modern home no secrete nooks or crannies .its 47 rh, so i guess that is as close to 50 rh as im gonna get(i have a bowl of water in it today to see what difference it will make) i did put the buds in a jar to see the rh and it was like 78 (only after 2.5 days drying at 47 rh and 24c.) i really dont want the hay smell so i dont wanna jar em too soon i will when my jar rh test is just under 70 (65-70) ,


Well-Known Member
hey thats cool i wait sometimes i could just be really fresh active growth, that always appears yellow. thats why i was asking about your nutrient system and media. but its all good.
A lack of nitrogen makes LOWER leaves yellow...
Too much Nitrogen makes the newer growth look neon green...
so if old growth is turning slack and yellow and lifeless then you need more N...
If everything looks alright and then your new growth looks neon, you have too much N...
They are sometimes hard to distinguish...but that is one way in which underfert and overfert are different...
When you have too little nitrogen the plant moves stored nitrogen in the large fan leaves to the new new growth will continue to look normal, but older leaves will die...
When you have too much nitrogen the nitrogen can't move freely and gets concentrated in the larger leaves, so your new growth will look deficient, but it is really just that the rest of the plant has too much...


Active Member
Well thx for this hospital. My poor babys are not doing well. They are bag seeds grown in soil, they are about a month from planting, 400 watt MH 18/6, feeding sensi line from AN, Vit B, root stim, Earth tea. Plants are in 3-5 gallon pots. Soil PH is 6.4. The prob Im having and its only with a few plants is my bottom fan leaves are getting brown spots on them and then they dry out and die from tips inward. Its not effecting the new growth just the fan leaves. My plants are starting to look like palm tree,lol. Here is a pic and if you have any ideas please let me know. thx so much. killer43.066.jpg


Well-Known Member
the above post will help guess us you need more N when was the last time you fed, what strength, and what kind of soil?


Active Member
the above post will help guess us you need more N when was the last time you fed, what strength, and what kind of soil?
Thx for your thoughts. I retested my run off this morning and found it was up in the 8's for PH. I flushed got soil PH down to mid 5's. Fed with 3/4 strength Advance Nutes Sensi, B vit's, I used a supplemental amount of advance nutes Earth Tea as well as some root stim to beef up my roots. PH after feeding was 6.1-6.5. Does this sound like Ive done what I can? Thx again for your help.


Hey mates! My friend got a problem, some of his plants looks like this View attachment 2142139 and some of them looks like this View attachment 2142140. The first one is too much fertilizer right? Can he save it? And the second one I dont know what it is, brown "shiny" spots.. Please help him, this is his first time. He used cow shit fertilizer btw.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah over fertilized just flush real good with plain water that has sat for some time, then let the soil dry some and water with plain water for a week or 2.

they are real young they dont need too much nutes. the brown spots are part of over nute problem in fact all the symptoms are. but they will survive they look green and ready to grow.


oh yeah over fertilized just flush real good with plain water that has sat for some time, then let the soil dry some and water with plain water for a week or 2.

they are real young they dont need too much nutes. the brown spots are part of over nute problem in fact all the symptoms are. but they will survive they look green and ready to grow.
Okey thanx mate!


Active Member
So I have a minor problem and I don't want to start a new thread so I thought I'd post here. Here are the details pics to follow. Soil is Roost organic, nutrients consist of the entire General Organic line. They just got transplanted to 7gal containers and have been healthy up to this point. Currently vegging under 600w. Temps are upper 70's. It only appears on the lower new growth. They are white spots that appear to be transparent. Not mildew or anything like that. Actually part of the leaf turning white and transparent. Please help.



Active Member
Sorry limited to camera phone. No they have been under the same light for a while. I'm starting to think it might be a ph lockout of iron. I'm using GO and my ph meter broke but they say not to correct ph for these nutes. Since I have some lime in the soil I wasn't to worried until now. Time to get another Ph meter. The Milwaukee PH 600 only lasted a month before going completely crazy on me.