Plant Shock?

Gardener 09

Active Member
I have this plant...

It was givin to me this big, but it was an out door plant. now i have changed it to an indoor plant and im giving it 24/0 light, but i have more light turned on for 10am to 10pm. Will it go into shock?

It shouldnt go into shock. The continuous light might stress it out a bit but it should be strong enough to adapt to it.
Just try not to over water it or anything at the moment as it wont be in 100% health and it might affect it more so then if it wasnt stressed :]


Well-Known Member
I do 24/0, but in this case I'd consider giving the plant at least some darkness, and easing it into 24 over a week or two? (Kinda depends on what it's used to)

Watch out for mites as your temp regulates. They love it!

Gardener 09

Active Member
ya i have 3 lights in the room, two on the big one and a little desk lamp for clones, when i turn of the two for the big light there is still very little light in the room, but i leave the two big ones off when i sleep.

Gardener 09

Active Member
well its been 3 days inside (seems like forever) and he is still growing and is quiet healthy still, i think it will do just fine.