Plant went without water for 2 days... can it be saved???


Active Member
okay. i need some help, i have 16 plants and they are about 2weeks old. they are all looking sooo beautiful and healthy besides one. this one plant is treated the same as the others keep in mind, but its condition isnt too good. this plants tips of its leaves stated to yellow, now they are completly brown(just the tips still), but the rest of the plant looks very healthy and green and its also still growing. i planted 8,then in a few days planted another 8. of the last batch of 8, this plant thata sick sprouted last. in a few days tho this plant had a yellow tint to its oval starting leaves with a small brown spot. above is what has happened to it in just a few days. i honestly have no idea what it could be because all of th plants look fine besides this one. please help, i fear itll die in the next 5 days.


Active Member
wow... yeah. 8 0f the pots are miraclegrow and 8 are stagreen (with pot shots under each seed). the one bad plant is from the miracle grow batch. i just moved all three of my lights up a few inches and turned the fan on high and cracked the closet door. i know that burn looks the same as a nute def, what do you think i should do?


Well-Known Member
wow... yeah. 8 0f the pots are miraclegrow and 8 are stagreen (with pot shots under each seed). the one bad plant is from the miracle grow batch. i just moved all three of my lights up a few inches and turned the fan on high and cracked the closet door. i know that burn looks the same as a nute def, what do you think i should do?
Ok, yup its nute burn, as they grow they will adapt to that soil. For that one guy i would go dig up some soil from your lawn or a field and put it in a solo cup. After its good and developed transplant it back. Remember though that soil from outside can bring in bugs and parasites, so pop the dirt in the microwave and blast it for 5 mins.

Remember also that the more you water that MG soil the more the nutes are released. (I despise MG soil, for seedlings)
Good luck. Lamp.


Well-Known Member
I concur.. I was going to ask if it was MG soil too.. Stay away from that stuff.. It will cause alot of random headaches.. Depending on its age and how it was stored etc, the active nute levels can be a giant craps shoot too.. Just find a nice cheap fluffy soil, mix it with alot of perlite (50% maybe), and feed it yourself with whatever you choose..
And I don't mean to come off as an anti-MG nazi, but I've had alot better success with non-MG salt fertilizers.. I dunno what it is, they start out great, then go downhill.. And I know what I'm doing.. Plant-Prod, Schultz's and a few others never hassled me and worked acceptably..
Spending the money on an adapted dope fertilizer will make your inexperienced grows go alot smoother though..
As can spending the effort to build a super soil like the guys in the organics forum..
+rep for catching that right away lampshade..


Active Member
pot shots are made by osmocote, theyre plant food nuggets. you put them 3 inches under your seed and it delievrs npk,mag, sulfur,boron, iron,maganese,and moly. (which weed loves) it seemed like a good idea, and those 8 plants are looking nice still.


Well-Known Member
pot shots are made by osmocote, theyre plant food nuggets. you put them 3 inches under your seed and it delievrs npk,mag, sulfur,boron, iron,maganese,and moly. (which weed loves) it seemed like a good idea, and those 8 plants are looking nice still.
Plant food stakes, plus plant food in soil, plus watering with plant food. Thats overkill man. I tell you what pot loves, nature. Not chems. You may want to dig up those pot shots, or just dont fertilize just use water for the entire veg.


Well-Known Member
For the record, nuking soil will only be effective if you boil the water in the soil.. If its dry it won't do crap.. MW's are about 4" long, if you put a fly in a MW it doesn't even flinch because it stays in low energy areas.. The oven is a different story..
I can't quite agree though.. I doubt transplanting will help necause the MG crap is causing the problem where its packed right at the roots (rhizosphere), and that would also go to the next pot..
I've been lucky that I've never gotten screwed by bugs, but I think its blasphemous to kill all the beneficial bugs in the soil.. They're what provide diverse bioavailable nutrients.. Without them you might as well go hydro..


Active Member
i really like peatmoss, its very fluffy. i was going to get some of that, perlite and a big bag of plant tone organic and mix them all together. i only used mg orginally because it was one of the cheapest biggest ones. i def see that that was a mistake. you guys are very helpful and i couldnt be happier that i got an answer. i thought it would take days.


Active Member
oh wow. okay... so ill dig up the nugs. scoop the plant food off the top(its lil pellets), and flush em for a few days. but how can i meet all of my plant nutrient needs correctly?


Well-Known Member
i really like peatmoss, its very fluffy. i was going to get some of that, perlite and a big bag of plant tone organic and mix them all together. i only used mg orginally because it was one of the cheapest biggest ones. i def see that that was a mistake. you guys are very helpful and i couldnt be happier that i got an answer. i thought it would take days.
Glad to help.


Well-Known Member
Glad to help.
Dude just for kicks and to make a point to my close friends. I got a clone in a 16oz cup. Its 14" tall now and flowering. All i have given it is water. It shows no deff. Shes always thirsty though. They are tough. And if you have MG soil it already has nutes. With nutrients less is better. They will ask for it if they need it.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:wow! this forum changed direction. i believe it has a firm respect for soil. i think everybody should read one item per day from the faq section regardless of grows or experience. this site has some sweet methods, posts, and sub-forums, that anyone who had a question, sought it out, they would never have to post. they would simply just bask in the knowledge present. sorry my grammer gets crazy n lazy. peace out everybody!


Well-Known Member
The ppl who stress how much better hydro is, typically sell hydro supplies.. There is nothing wrong with soil if done right!
Being able to manage salts is a skill.. Pure organics buffer mistakes really well, but they actually break down primarily into the same salts that are in chemical products.. The advantage is that they also break down into a bit of stuff that isn't in chem fertilizers, that plants can use..
Plants do ask for food when they want it, the format you give it to them is irrelevant as long as its done in proper dosage..
Peat is great stuff no doubt, but it really drops the pH so you're going to need a countermeasure for that if you use alot of peat in the mix..


Active Member
Justing getting back the the forum..... man things certainly did take a turn captain! Just want to throw out that I appreciate the advise and posts! We're all good Cap, no worries at all buddy! I must say hydro requires a lot of care. I've been finding that. I see your points all the way! I will certainly be getting it going here soon. I'm trying to see what my seedlings will do. If they get to veg, I may just clone from them and move to soil. That way my cycle won't be too messed with the hydro. I'm going to see things through and will be sure to update.

born2killspam.... Still lovin the name bro! Thanks for all the 2 cents!

So since we are all talking about soil, what mixes, mediums are suggested? I read where you combine a few different mediums with the soil. So would 1 5 gallon buckets be best? I'll do some checking up on it in the forums, but figured I'd throw it out for everyones 2 cents!

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
Hey dreamer, sorry for late post, i thought i already mentioned to find your local nursery garden center and buy whatever local organic soil, and some 5 gal plant pots. U dont need the 5 gal. If you don't have the space, use smaller, like 2 or 3 gal. They come in all sizes. Its that simple. I use what is called glacier gold potting soil, its made in belgrade montana. Its just what i use, they sell it at the ace down the street from me. Get urself some organic stuff like blood meal, and bone meal, worm castings, these things wont burn ur plant. They are good for ur vegging. When you want to flower, get a liquid(fertilizer), apply as per instructions. If you want to get creative, search this forum for super soil by subcool, he is a cool dude. He has a post on everything ur gonna do, cloning, soil, and etc. Good luck, and enjoy ur growing! P.s. Did that plant produce some nuggs or what? (sick plant)


Active Member
Hey dreamer, sorry for late post, i thought i already mentioned to find your local nursery garden center and buy whatever local organic soil, and some 5 gal plant pots. U dont need the 5 gal. If you don't have the space, use smaller, like 2 or 3 gal. They come in all sizes. Its that simple. I use what is called glacier gold potting soil, its made in belgrade montana. Its just what i use, they sell it at the ace down the street from me. Get urself some organic stuff like blood meal, and bone meal, worm castings, these things wont burn ur plant. They are good for ur vegging. When you want to flower, get a liquid(fertilizer), apply as per instructions. If you want to get creative, search this forum for super soil by subcool, he is a cool dude. He has a post on everything ur gonna do, cloning, soil, and etc. Good luck, and enjoy ur growing! P.s. Did that plant produce some nuggs or what? (sick plant)
Right on! I switched to a 600 watt hps on the plant. It is flowering, but still not drinking like it used to. I fed it superthrive after flushing the water. I'll get some pics up soon. It is surviving, but I question the harvest. We'll see though. It still has 4-5 weeks. I'll keep you updated.