Political Draft


Well-Known Member
Conservative: Gays can marry but they can't have children in their dwellings
Liberal: no more fossil fuel will be used. Everyone must power their car with a windmill.
Conservative: global warming is now an accepted fact no govt grants to power companies for winter heat assistance.
Liberal: gay polygamy will now be accepted.

these are the only valid ones so far if you don't agree on these issues you are a troll


Well-Known Member
Conservative: all blacks get a reparations check. they must invest it in the stock market for a minimum of 10 years before they cash it out.


Well-Known Member
Conservative: Gays can marry but they can't have children in their dwellings
Liberal: no more fossil fuel will be used. Everyone must power their car with a windmill.
Conservative: global warming is now an accepted fact no govt grants to power companies for winter heat assistance.
Liberal: gay polygamy will now be accepted.
Conservative: all blacks get a reparations check. they must invest it in the stock market for a minimum of 10 years before they cash it out.

these are the only valid ones so far if you don't agree on these issues you are a troll