poppy seed ?'s


Well-Known Member
Done it many times and I grow normally the same poppies(Persian Whites). I have grow others like Tasmainians, Hens & chick's and giganteums. The Persians are normally the about the same. The taz's are around the same as Persians. But with them Ive had it weaker or alot more potent. Thats kinda why I dont grow to much different poppies. I dont like having to play the guessing game so intensly on every batch of tea I make. Sure you want to be careful no matter what but after a while youll get use to the shit to were you will get an idea of how many pods to use per serving. But if I start mixing two pods of tasmainians and 1 pod of Persian and 1 pod of giganteums well then I have to take sips instead of drinks and like Farmer#1 said it does have a pretty bad taste and the quicker you can drink it the faster the hard part is but at the same time the faster you drink the faster it is to realize that you may have made a bad mistake. The best advice I can give if you are a first timer is take it slow and see what each couple drinks do. Take 2 decent mouth fulls and swallow it down wait 20-30 minutes and see what happens. If you need alittle more then take alittle more. But dont think that "I want to get fucked up" and keep on drinking. It is no lie when you read that you can die from it. There is only so much you can drink before you have drank to much and its lights out.
very true but i really doubt that one glass could kill. if used a crazy amount of poppies then it would be possible,but i mean 1 glass i doubt it! i have taken 9 percocet's before and been fine, very bad idea now that i look back on it but i was fine. still though use caution.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I thought farmer was speaking about supermarket seeds.. I know you get reasonable consistency when you grow your own.. Thats why I mentioned the budgie mix..


Well-Known Member
Yea I guess your right when I reread what I wrote. No I highly doubt you would die off one cup as well.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Yea I guess your right when I reread what I wrote. No I highly doubt you would die off one cup as well.
Doubtful.. but you probably could, you'd have to try! Morphine isn't actually very water soluble (as I believe it is actually hydro-phobic) so you're right in saying it won't kill you *in reference to one cup, not in general*


Well-Known Member
lol wow so much input... well let me start off by saying I DID NOT CONTRIBUTE TO A MINOR DOING DRUGS!!! lol lol lmao its my gf. shes just really small. she used to be one of those cheerleader girls who gets thrown in the air in high school

and thanks for all the recipies and advice...

heres what happened...

7:30 pm local time we each made our batch... now we fucked up a little when buying the right amount of seeds cuz one was labeled 1 lb bag but it really was only 1/3 of a pound. and then we bought 3 1/3 lb bags. i of course had the full pound tea. 8:30 pm we start drinking it. not bad taste. my tea was darker than hers. i drank it nice and slow. my stomach wasnt full but it wasnt empty. it ended up taking me about an hour and a half to drink it all. i thought that was slow enough nothing was really happening just hard to concentrate. we smoked a little nothing major. then at around 11:30pm i began to feel really tired. i layed down and felt relaxed. i thought this was due to the weed. we got hungry and went to dunkin doughnuts. i think it kicked in fully ON THE WAY THERE!! lol at first i liked it. i put on darkside of the moon and drove all comfortable and shit. but on the way back it just kept getting stronger. the actual act of driving was making me feel like puking cuz of the turns. so i finally made it home after dropping off my gf. went to my bed and IMMEDIATELY fell to my bed. it took me about a half hour to get the stregnth just to turn the light off to go to bed. i didnt even get undressed. i didnt like how strong it was. its weird though how long it took to kick in. but then this morning i had work at 8am. and man i felt sick sick sick!!! almost threw up 3 times. but it eventually went away...

EDIT: oh and the body high was weird... where i live ITS FUCKING COLD!!!! id say (-3)F maybe colder but when i went outside i felt no cold. my body was shaking a little trying to stay warm but i physically felt no cold at all. and before it kicked in fully i was just laying in the bed and i couldnt feel my arms or legs.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol, im guessing it was your first time taking an opiate maybe?
there are a lot of alkaloids present in the tea.. may have had too much of one of them. Quite a few of the alkaloids do list under side effects, nausea.

A few active alkaloids in poppies:
narcotine (Noscapine)

You have to think, when you take a pharmaceutical pill (hydrocodone, morphine, codeine, oxycodone, etc) You are only taking ONE of the active alkaloids.. so from the natural source, it is probable that the mix of the active alkaloids lead to him being nauseous.

Just my guess... I'm not a physician.