popular science gives omega garden the nod


Well-Known Member
Wow. I read this from start to finish and can't figure out who is who.
A couple of intersting thoughts about database and customer lists....Didn't this happen to pirate satelite customers back in the day?
All internet orders being processed today are stored in databases...but how could the goverment get the records? jusy cause you buy this item doesn't mean you're going to break the law with it.

Answering your own post with a different user id is fucking sick.


Well-Known Member
Damn this was some funny shit! First there is Omega 1 selling this product and defending it ( why if there is no vested interest ?)....... Then some dude who said his broke ( why would he say it if it didn't break?).....and finally Omega Betty the owner coming to defend Omega 1. Jesus! Too much drama, but funny.


Well-Known Member
god I just..caught up on this thread ...................whoa you Omeganites should have just payed your bills and been a honest business types , not betraying the trust we gave you, and in return u ripped us off ......... disabling my security system and stealing all of your stock and my tools. Goodridence NOW as far as your attempt to say there is no customer list floating around... I do have a list , but I will protect them., but if you"OmegaPeople" do not stop the bullshit and lies. I will prove you are liars...again
and you called me "all in "eh Ted
You do not deserve the business of these good people
I am so glad u are fooling no one............