

Well-Known Member
It all sounds good...IMHO the rh is a bit too high...but other then that all is well. The closer the light is to the plant the shorter the plant will be. Plants stretch because they are seeking more light. If the light is right need to stretch to it. That is why flowering will cause a lot of nature when the sunlight hours decrease the plant is still trying to get as lightas it can.
i live in west of ireland... temps get low at night... so i have my lights on 6am to 6pm.... hum is as low as can get.... very heavy this weather.... i moved the hps to 24 inchs away see if that helps....


Well-Known Member
ok, well like I said before most of the upward growing of those plants is done so don't look for them to shoot up in a big way. At this point, if this were my grow, I would keep the light close to aid in bud development. But this is your grow so do what you feel is right...not what someone else does 'just because' what I'm sayin'?
i do dude.... i will leave it high for a few days to see if it makes a difference.... thanks dude...


Well-Known Member
No probs! I have always wanted to visit Ireland....I used to date a girl named Carmel...she was native to Ireland...over here on extended holiday. As I recall she lived up to her name because just like the candy...she was very sticky sweet...YUMMY!! LOL!!!