Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Sunni, you're smart, resourceful, and fairly surprising. You'll pull it off, no worries. If there's a "save Sunni" fund, I'll try to help...

In the mean time, STOP thinking about it. The brain doesn't work like that, with stress, you'll not see the path to resolution until you've calmed down. It sucks, I've lost everything I own, 3 times. Like, every single thing except the clothing I was wearing. It's hard, but, it'll work.

Smoke a bowl. Relax. Keep doing that until you quit thinking "fuck, all my shit!" and start thinking "Fuck, I'm stoned, where's the veggie burgers?"


New Member
Lol with what money im out 3000$ easily all my clothes shoes couch books bookcase psh I don't even know what else im still flustard it will get better I know
good thing you have a bunch of money saved up in case your cat gets sick


Pickle Queen
Take pics sunni!! Also please wear protective gear if u plan on trying to salvage anything. . Most items that come into contact with gray water can be cleaned.. but not sewage water..


Staff member
i did take pics of everything landlords insurance will cover what was lost and cannot be replaced but we all know how long insurance takes to come in, so in the meantime im out
and yes slow bus its a good fucking thing i have money saved for my cat because hes currently in boaring and i was able to pay for it because i saved. thanks for the asshole remark though!


Well-Known Member
i did take pics of everything landlords insurance will cover what was lost and cannot be replaced but we all know how long insurance takes to come in, so in the meantime im out
and yes slow bus its a good fucking thing i have money saved for my cat because hes currently in boaring and i was able to pay for it because i saved. thanks for the asshole remark though!
My settlement, from crash to cash, took 3 months, and I didn't bother with it, cuz it was "only 50k," so it dragged out. Light the proverbial fire up in their sphincters, and you'll be sorted in quick time -- nothing more annoying than a perky little girl pouting at them constantly that she's just dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying without her special Tuesday shoes! (No, I'm not saying that's how you are, I'm saying that's how you should be, to settle quickly, and get basic compensation.) The faster you have a hard number, and proof to back it up (credit card statements can go a long way, with receipts establishing, first) the sooner they can cut you a check. Don't go angry, though. No one likes dealing with an asshole. Go sweeter than a cinnamon roll. Be cute, and big eyed, and "confused." Know your numbers, and then let them "help you find them." It'll go faster, and smoother.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i did take pics of everything landlords insurance will cover what was lost and cannot be replaced but we all know how long insurance takes to come in, so in the meantime im out
and yes slow bus its a good fucking thing i have money saved for my cat because hes currently in boaring and i was able to pay for it because i saved. thanks for the asshole remark though!
I dont think he was trying to be an ass. He prob figured you had the cat with you in the hotel.


Staff member
No he was being an ass because I said people with pets need to save money for emergencies. And it helped in this one people always try to throw you down farther when you have issues in life negative people


Well-Known Member
My landlords are very nice people I don't have worries

Oh, I wasn't trying to say "get 'em, it's their fault!" Shit happens (sorry, it's an apt turn of phrase...) It's not their fault, they'll help you with insurance, I'm sure. I was just trying to give you a hint of advice about how to get it done quicker.

I dont think he was trying to be an ass. He prob figured you had the cat with you in the hotel.
Yeah, I think he was.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
too bad this tragedy has to turn ugly.. Wtf is wrong with you slowbus?

lets lighten it up [video=youtube;co6WMzDOh1o]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co6WMzDOh1o[/video]

It is a beautiful day sunni.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't worry so much about slowbus, he is a coward. that pussy put me on block because he couldn't handle me being right all the time.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Fisherman opts to keep massive, 231-pound halibut
[/h] [h=2]Given option of a free fishing trip to release fish, angler Dirk Whitsitt decides to take fish home; takes three shots from a .38 special to subdue trophy fish[/h] September 09, 2013 by David Strege

Photo courtesy of DeepStrike Sportfishing

Dirk Whitsitt, a construction worker from Kansas, caught a fish of a lifetime only an hour into his first fishing trip in Alaska, and he wasn’t about to release the monster, not even for a $250 voucher for another day of fishing.
You can’t blame him, really. The Pacific halibut he hooked in 370 feet of water in Cook Inlet out of Homer, Alaska, and fought for 45 minutes wound up weighing a whopping 231 pounds.
Once the decision was made to keep it, the prized fish needed to be subdued, which is no easy task with a halibut this size.
Photo from Wikimedia Commons

“Towards the end of the fight, the fish headed back toward the bottom and we had to release the anchor to follow the fish,” Capt. David Bayes of DeepStrike Sportfishing explained in an email to GrindTV Outdoor. “We shot it three times with a .38 special and used three gaffs to pull it aboard.”
Using a gun to subdue halibut is common practice in Alaska. In fact, it is recommended on any sizable fish over 100 pounds because big halibut are nearly all muscle and can do damage to people and boats if they’re not killed before being brought on board.
The other option, of course, is releasing the fish, one that Bayes gives an incentive to his passengers for doing.
“I offer fishermen a free trip if they opt to release a halibut of that size, but the angler was not interested,” he said. “That was the third halibut over 200 pounds that we’ve caught in the last month. One was estimated at 225 pounds and released. The other was 236 pounds and is the current Homer Halibut Jackpot Derby leader.”
To give an idea about the size of the halibut Whitsitt caught, first-year deckhand and recent graduate Kruiz Siewing, a former wide receiver for Montana State University, posed with the fish in a corner of the boat.
Siewing stands 5-11, 184 pounds and is dwarfed by the fish, which no doubt provided Whitsitt with plenty of fillets to take home.


Pickle Queen
And the search for the worlds biggest frying pan begins...I wonder if they used a baby cow as bait. ...dear lord that's a big fishy! !