RDGgreenthumb 2011 Outdoor


Well-Known Member
hey man it's about time we got to see what's up with this grow. It's lookin' good man. Looks like you got some shitty weather there huh? Where are you?


Well-Known Member
hey man it's about time we got to see what's up with this grow. It's lookin' good man. Looks like you got some shitty weather there huh? Where are you?
I'm in southeastern Pennsylvania. My grow is in one of the many ranges of Mts near the Appalachian trail so yeah it can get pretty foggy up there. Temps are always cooler on top of the mountain too which brings out nice hues of color in October. That day it was rainy/misty/foggy. Not what id like to hike in but had to do it. But hey getting soaked on a trip to see the girls is fine with me since its been so dry all summer but it finally seems the weather is finally starting to break for the better. It also allows me to stockpile water up there in case of another dry spell. Thanks for stopping through. Now that things are really getting exciting I'll be sure to return the favor. Peace


Well-Known Member
start thinking about ways to support your side branches. they get heavy and bend over and often snap, once buds start forming.

your plants look really nice. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in fdd, and double thanks for the advice. Last year I used sturdy branches found lying nearby to support the girls, since I'm in a forest its pretty easy to find a lot of suitable candidates, and then tied them together using hemp twine, worked great. But come harvest had to cut the twine with a saw lol. This year we'll take scissors!
Thanks again fdd, you that man. This summers going so fast I'm really getting eager for the end.
Try to update Sunday. Peace guys


Well-Known Member
So here are the pictures from this 3 past Sundays. I'm just gonna throw a butt-load up (about 50), cause im tired from a loong day at work. Hope it doesnt discourage u too much. All feedback is welcome, as ever.




Looking sweet man.... so you are just letting them deal with weather as and when it comes along - and not that I know all that much, but it looks like you have a while to go. How far is the hike every sunday then? Good luck!
Good grow man, i seen at the begining of ur thred u said u had the termites under control. I have had the biggest battle wit the lil fuckers and still havent won, would u plz share wit me what u learned about keeping the bastards away?


Well-Known Member
Looking sweet man.... so you are just letting them deal with weather as and when it comes along - and not that I know all that much, but it looks like you have a while to go. How far is the hike every sunday then? Good luck!
Yeah, they more or less are at the mercy of mother nature. I have them staked, but nothing else for the weather. I spray with Azamax for bugs n such.
Im hoping for a harvest spread out between the next 4-6 weeks with October 31 being the cut off date for last chop.

Good grow man, i seen at the begining of ur thred u said u had the termites under control. I have had the biggest battle wit the lil fuckers and still havent won, would u plz share wit me what u learned about keeping the bastards away?
I had the termite problem starting last summer. I asked for help in the Outdoor Growing section and got one reply, which I have quoted below. Ive used Dominion 2L twice this year and i can say that the first time I spotted those pests was also the last time. Just do a google search for Dominion 2L Termiticide, I bought mine from Amazon.com and it more than pays for itself!

It's usually too late when you see the plant dieing. The Azamax will kill them if you get it down around the main stem where they are traveling, but the damage has probably already been done.

I've been told to use "more" dolomite lime when preparing the holes but I don't think that is effective. The best stuff is gonna cost you but to effectively prevent and kill them you need a termiticide. Look at using this next year.


Dominion 2L is an excellent termiticide and insecticide used for the control of subterranean termites and contains the exact same active ingredient and precentage as Premise 2 and I Maxx Pro 2F. Dominion 2L can be sprayed directly on an active termite infestation, or poured in the ground around a home or building to protect against subterranean termites. Dominion 2L is also non-repellent, meaning that termites will crawl over the product without detecting it, and spread it to each other by touch and food sharing, eventually eliminating the entire infestation. Yields 50 gallons of finished solution per bottle.

This is the only stuff I've found safe enough to use around my plants. Good luck fighting the little pricks.
Yeah, they more or less are at the mercy of mother nature. I have them staked, but nothing else for the weather. I spray with Azamax for bugs n such.
Im hoping for a harvest spread out between the next 4-6 weeks with October 31 being the cut off date for last chop.

I had the termite problem starting last summer. I asked for help in the Outdoor Growing section and got one reply, which I have quoted below. Ive used Dominion 2L twice this year and i can say that the first time I spotted those pests was also the last time. Just do a google search for Dominion 2L Termiticide, I bought mine from Amazon.com and it more than pays for itself!
Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
Hey man just stumbled upon this. Didn't know you had a grow thread going. Looking great man! Although there's something wrong in those pictures...It isn't raining.


Well-Known Member
Hey man just stumbled upon this. Didn't know you had a grow thread going. Looking great man! Although there's something wrong in those pictures...It isn't raining.
Sometimes I forget I have a thread too, doesnt get updated too often
Haha youre right. I somehow made it out the the one sunny morning of the week. I almost felt blessed. Im keeping my spirits high but all this wet weather is horse shit.