

Well-Known Member
then why are there INDEPENDENTS?
What the fuck is your deal with random caps? Are you screaming at your computer or do you think that your capitalized posts are some sort of slam dunk?

There are INDEPENENTS because those people do not solely identify with either party. And yet third party candidates are on every ballot and seldom get more than 2%. Please explain that.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm agreeing that most voters support progressive issues. That's what happened this election, we voted for progressive Democrats. The disagreement is where you claim most voters want the poorly crafted legislation that Sanders wrote for universal healthcare and other fern seed from Bernie. Not because they don't support universal access to health care, Bernie's bill was simply bad.
have you ever considered sending your scripts to a producer?


Well-Known Member
This creep is as big a piece of shit as Rob Roy.

He works as a Buddhist corporate consultant like I am the director of CERN.

Actually I don't doubt that he get paid once or twice to do it. A lot of businesses make bad choices occasionally. But he works as often as I renew my driver's license.
he's in cali..totally legit..big corporate brings people like him in all the time to try to get us to produce better.


Well-Known Member
then why did they break off?

They broke due to their views being in difference to the main line parties. They are still largely outnumbered by members/supporters of the current system of dem/republican in place. There aren't enough people willing to support more than the two parties in place right now. The local elections where numerous other options existed but the many went and voted for the main line. It would be the same in a presidential election in this current climate


Well-Known Member
i have pears and other yard fruit to put up.
Fame would only get in the way of the amazing life I lead.

The syrup I made from reducing my own home grown Pinot Noir juice (26% sugar and 0.8% total acid) juice IS amazing. Taste is both sweet and tart with a touch of caramel along with the berry flavors. Goes well on pancakes at breakfast or roast pork at dinner.

Bottled 40 cases of wine from my 1/4 acre vineyard a week ago. Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Marechal Foch and Chardonnay.

My pears are mostly eaten by my neighbor's sheep. I haven't figured out how to put them up properly but made progress this fall.

Fava beans are about a foot tall and should produce well in Feb or March depending on winter weather.

Between that and my family, trips to go diving and white water rafting and the job in high tech product R&D, my calendar is full. I'm what Buckaroo Bonzai would be like in middle age.

How about if you take my posts and write the script? I can give you editorial guidance. The script and the fame from national acclaim can be yours if you can handle it.


Well-Known Member
he's in cali..totally legit..big corporate brings people like him in all the time to try to get us to produce better.
Please forgive the pointed question, but what the hell is wrong with you? He is a fake and a fraud in every post he makes but somehow you believe him because he makes you feel good? Maybe you need another puppy. More than likely your need for attention is like a bottomless well and that anybody who pays any positive attention to you at all is automatically your friend.

That's sad. That's Trump.