Remove all hermies?


Hi guys I have 4 plants in their 4th week of flowering. Yesterday I noticed that 3 of the plants had a very small amounts of seeds, they are all flowering. I removed all day seeds from the tree plants
my question is, will these hermaphrodite plants produce many seeds? I kept the plants quite small so they are very manageable if I was to pick seeds out before they produce pollen. What would you do? Remove all the hermits or put the female back into veg and let it grow larger thus produce more bud


Active Member
A picture of what you call seeds would be helpful ? seeds dont produce pollen. With that misunderstanding, maybe you're pulling swollen calyx's off, not seeds?)
Dutch Master Reverse. Are your girls showin intersex, or are they growing pollen sacks? dont fuck with your flowering female. its already doing as well as it can.


Well-Known Member
suggests.................. grow this one out, the smoke will be ok but more dense with the seeds. look into genetics and get planning ur next grow :)

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
female plants produce bud(flowers)
male plants produce pollen sacks
plants with both flowers and pollen sacks are hermie plants
even if you pull the calyxes off of the female plant they will keep growing. if the plant is hermie then its hermie... i would personally toss it and get as much as i can off the one left then replant...


A picture of what you call seeds would be helpful ? seeds dont produce pollen. With that misunderstanding, maybe you're pulling swollen calyx's off, not seeds?)
Dutch Master Reverse. Are your girls showin intersex, or are they growing pollen sacks? dont fuck with your flowering female. its already doing as well as it can.
Sorry, had no pics before now but I posted from my phone.
DSC02795.JPG DSC02815.JPG DSC02814.JPG

The first 2 are seeds or pollen sacks?


Active Member
If you can't tell by looking at it.... let it go another week till you can tell for sure.
The first one looks like it could be a pollen sack but your macro pic is still hard to see, when it opens up and you see a bunch of little bananas it's a herm. Eventually the bananas will turn yellow and give off pollen.
If you have no prospects for new females than grow these out while you get new plants ready to flower you could always make dry ice hash with it and have some really good smoke, if you have new plants right around the corner than I would throw the herms out.
It's not a satisfying feeling growing herms to maturity.


Well-Known Member
don't let the balls open! move the plant to another room and snip the balls off then spray the plant down with water so if any pollen got out of the balls it will be washed down the plant and have less of a chance of making it to the other plants


Whats the differance between a pollen sack and a seed?

The female plant has been flowering for 4 weeks now, would it be ok to revert it back to veg because its quite small, I kept them quite small so there would be enough room for all the plants but not it looks like i only need room for 1


Active Member
buy a bottle of Reverse and Saturator, it will all go away, and you will save all the work and money, ending with fine herb, I promise.
They look suspect, you could wait, or spray. pollen sacks produce pollen from a male organ. seeds come from a female organ and will not produce pollen, but instead holds the genetics in store until conditions allow it's expression.


Well-Known Member
don't let the balls open! move the plant to another room and snip the balls off then spray the plant down with water so if any pollen got out of the balls it will be washed down the plant and have less of a chance of making it to the other plants
Wet pollen is dead pollen.