reserva privada kandykush


Well-Known Member
glad to see some others peeps trying dna/reserva gear. just got the R.K.S, tora bora and kushberry, supposed to be some killer beans, also got the bubblecheese from big buddah. will be posting a smoke/strain reveiw as soon as possible. peace


New Member
yeah i'm hoping dna should be pretty sweet. i've got some pure afghan and some cannalope haze from them, gonna get some of the kandy kush soon

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
just ordered the kandy kush myself, along with their og kush #18. i've heard really good things about reserva privada, both on here and other sites, so i'm stoked.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I want that # 18 og kush,:lol: looking forward to seeing your results:leaf:

here is dried purplewreck...... Pics dont even do her justice


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
well yesterday i started 1 of each of kandy kush, k train, cheisel, whiteberry and a regular red diesel. i will have to make room somehow. i really need to learn how to not pack my flower room so full. i would probly even get a better yield if i didnt.
hi guys am seriously thinking about the kushberry what do u lot reckon
Kushberry looks better than it smokes so i would go with something else they have.I grew kushberry and it was not the best i had right now im growing connie chung and 11 days out the soil.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
well yesterday i started 1 of each of kandy kush, k train, cheisel, whiteberry and a regular red diesel. i will have to make room somehow. i really need to learn how to not pack my flower room so full. i would probly even get a better yield if i didnt.
in less than 24 hours my kandy kush, chiesel, and red diesel have popped
so what do you think is the best to grow i want sick potentcy and sick flavour
i think that's too broad of a question to ask. That's like asking someone what the best luxury brand car is whether it's lexus, benz, bmw, acura, infiniti, etc. They're all great, you gotta get down to specifics.

narrow down what you're looking for: indica, sativa, 50/50, 80/20 either way? Purple or doesn't matter? Average or high yield? A certain strain that'll be suitable for your setup? Price range? etc.

I'm sure peepz will be willing to give directions if u know which way you're headed, u feel me?


Well-Known Member
yeah i do bro, sorry was a bit vague i would like something strong also can be either a haze or kush dont really mind about percentage of sative/indica but i want it to get you proper high also i want maximum yield cos i will only have 6 plants also flavour is very important something fruity hazey on inhale and exhale also something lemony could be done, p.s something people buy and blow them and they come and back again and again is the most important

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
what's the flowering time on teh kandy kush? now that attitude redid its site it says "long" adn there's no way i would have ordered those seeds had it said "long." i was hoping it would be a 8-9 week strain. facknshit!!