Reviews of Canadian Licensed Producers

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, I have spoken to a few "non medical" users who have sampled product I would call crap and they've noted that it's as good or better than the average stuff they buy on the street.

I need to understand more about what % of customers are "true" MM users and what % are street users trying to go legit for the price of a prescription. This information would help to understand many more of the decisions being made.
Beg said "non medical users" getting bud from LP's......BUSTED ...thanks

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, I have spoken to a few "non medical" users who have sampled product I would call crap and they've noted that it's as good or better than the average stuff they buy on the street.

I need to understand more about what % of customers are "true" MM users and what % are street users trying to go legit for the price of a prescription. This information would help to understand many more of the decisions being made.
What sort of "insider " are you Oddish?


Well-Known Member
What sort of "insider " are you Oddish?
Unfortunately not enough of an insider to have inside information.
I'm just an observer who's playing the table to see what comes of it.

I read this forum every day, I read the news religiously, I have alerts setup for anything related to medical marijuana and I have "friends" both in existing LPs, LOI status and those in the actual process to get approved. I've heard stories from all sides, whether that is growers interviewing at Tweed or scientists who walked away from companies. I just gather all the information in my mind and try to make sense of it all.

One day I might have enough information to be of value to someone.


Well-Known Member
Beg said "non medical users" getting bud from LP's......BUSTED ...thanks
Did you think this wouldn't happen?
They're estimating like 400,000 users in the long run. Those numbers are based on survey hearsay where a % of people that used marijuana checked the box that said, "It was for medical use".


Well-Known Member
you going to try and be a consultant then?
Nope. I'm gainfully employed right now. I have no interest in consulting or getting in on that side.
I find the entire industry incredibly interesting though. I'm honestly not here to make money, it was just a joke about the amount of time I spend learning about this shit because the reason today is that I enjoy it. Maybe one day I'll find a way to profit from it, but today I don't have any interest.


Well-Known Member
Anyways, that's all the free information I can give out for today.
Anything else and I'll be charging a consulting fee :)


Well-Known Member
imagine though ..... the local drug dealer down the street trying to pawn off something like twerp had (from the pics), you would be like WTF is this shit dude.... yeah well I had to microwave it man..... fuck dude it don't even get me stoned.... hey man just buy it for full price, you know I'm the only one holding and you can't go anywhere else..... fuck dude ya got over a barrel ... ok but I'm not buying the amount I normally do, can't afford to waste my hard earned money like that.... man I'm going to hook ya up next time with some good shit ok.... trust me ................LOL


Well-Known Member
400,000 is a pipe dream if they don't actually make it accessible. So far doctors don't want to sign and nobody can afford the prices, just to wait for the mail.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone has good street connections. I've laid eyes on some serious ditch weed that nobody complained about.
Getting more involved in the MM is what opened my eyes to what quality buds *could* look like.

That said, I'm not much of a smoker. Unless I need it (which is not a constant thing) I just don't partake.


Active Member
Did you think this wouldn't happen?
They're estimating like 400,000 users in the long run. Those numbers are based on survey hearsay where a % of people that used marijuana checked the box that said, "It was for medical use".
Does anyone else also find it hilarious that the people that are predicting MMPR patients to rise to 400,000 are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE that are in charge of licensing these folk. In other words, Health Canada is saying "Oh, in the next 10 years we expect to be much less stringent and are ready to accept another 400,000 people into our program."


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else also find it hilarious that the people that are predicting MMPR patients to rise to 400,000 are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE that are in charge of licensing these folk. In other words, Health Canada is saying "Oh, in the next 10 years we expect to be much less stringent and are ready to accept another 400,000 people into our program."
It's a mess. I think some of these LPs that are counting on that number by 2027 need to ask HC where the number came from. Seems like too much of a coincidence for it to not be my theory, but I was wrong once before so it's possible that it can happen again.


Active Member
It's a mess. I think some of these LPs that are counting on that number by 2027 need to ask HC where the number came from. Seems like too much of a coincidence for it to not be my theory, but I was wrong once before so it's possible that it can happen again.
Honestly, I don't think those numbers are going to be a problem. From what I can surmise, this is soon going to become like it is in California where it is "medically legal" but it's so easy to get a medical card that it's basically legal for anyone who can spend a few bucks and some time to go to a clinic. The government is counting on recreational users for their $$. Sad but true.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Did you think this wouldn't happen?
They're estimating like 400,000 users in the long run. Those numbers are based on survey hearsay where a % of people that used marijuana checked the box that said, "It was for medical use".
Well I'm glad to hear the're not waiting around for that to happen. Didn't take long apparently to have the LP weed to get into the black market I see !!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying LP weed is in the market. The survey was done in 2011.
LP weed will end up in the market though.

The only time I've seen that situation not take place is with quality clubs like London's where they control the distribution very carefully.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying LP weed is in the market. The survey was done in 2011.
LP weed will end up in the market though.

The only time I've seen that situation not take place is with quality clubs like London's where they control the distribution very carefully.
Yes you are saying that and did in a previous post in this thread. It just that slipped out in your effort to defend LP's. You have an we all seem to here I will admit.
But you did say you knew of non medical people who have been sampling the wares. Well I don't figure they wouldn't. As if some doesn't go missing for the boss to take home.
so be honest you said it and let the cat out of the Cough...bag right.
You can back track now if you like.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else also find it hilarious that the people that are predicting MMPR patients to rise to 400,000 are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE that are in charge of licensing these folk. In other words, Health Canada is saying "Oh, in the next 10 years we expect to be much less stringent and are ready to accept another 400,000 people into our program."

Even more hilarious is the fact that HC said they were stepping away from MMJ, yet here they are.