romney leads bullying attack on gay looking student


Well-Known Member
no, he rounded up a posse and sought after a kid minding his own business, tackled, him, pinned, him, and terrified him as the kid cried and screamed for help.

get it right.
I'm sorry were you there? Is the witness a Dem? Is the supposed victim a Dem? Were they paid by someone to relay this story? Can you prove they weren't? None of this is fact, it's an interesting story, but that's all it is.
Let's not go all Zimmerman up in here again.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry were you there? Is the witness a Dem? Is the supposed victim a Dem? Were they paid by someone to relay this story? Can you prove they weren't? None of this is fact, it's an interesting story, but that's all it is.
Let's not go all Zimmerman up in here again.
why do you always support the bullies of the world. are you one yourself ????

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry were you there? Is the witness a Dem? Is the supposed victim a Dem? Were they paid by someone to relay this story? Can you prove they weren't? None of this is fact, it's an interesting story, but that's all it is.
Let's not go all Zimmerman up in here again.
The victim is dead and a couple of the witnesses are Romney's friends including one that participated and to this day is a close friend.


Well-Known Member
What I see is one man who owns up to his past without anyone having to bust him on it and another man who can't recall what he did. How can you learn from your mistake when you can't even recall them ???
Or maybe it didn't happen at all. Nothing is proven, it's a yarn at this point, nothing more. Is he still supposed to remember it if it never happened?


Well-Known Member
Not remembering if you held someone down and force them to a haircut is telling of what type of creep you are. How can you not remember that.


Well-Known Member
why do you always support the bullies of the world. are you one yourself ????
Yeah, sorry I don't jump on such an obvious, orchestrated fairy tale and proclaim Obama the winner right now. I have no doubt you were one of the people calling for the heads of the Duke lacrosse team when they were falsely accused.


Well-Known Member
No I don't think it's ok. And the high school Romney should have gotten at least one session of after school detention for it. That's about as far as my outrage extends for that act as I'm not fueled by liberal partisan hackery. If it happened to my kid I would ask for an apology and demand some kind of punishment, but I would feel foolish bringing it up 40+ years later as an indictment of someone's character.

Now, assaulting a girl, by today's standards (since that seems to be what's going on here), ditching class, drinking beer and doing cocaine (lots apparently) and other assorted drugs, all while in high school would seem to be a bit more severe. But, let's not talk about that, I mean c'mon, it was years ago...

Derp dee der
who's he hurting by snorting some cocaine? no one.

who was willard hurting by terrorizing a kid with his posse? someone.

derp dee der.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry were you there? Is the witness a Dem? Is the supposed victim a Dem? Were they paid by someone to relay this story? Can you prove they weren't? None of this is fact, it's an interesting story, but that's all it is.
Let's not go all Zimmerman up in here again.
5 independent accounts, baby einstein.


Well-Known Member
The incident was recalled similarly by five students, who gave their accounts independently of one another.
Or maybe it didn't happen at all. Nothing is proven, it's a yarn at this point, nothing more. Is he still supposed to remember it if it never happened?
lol, keep flailing bro.


Well-Known Member
He wasn't discrediting, genius. He was recounting the incident.
if muydouche had read the article, he would have also read how he recounted running into lauber years later and apologizing for not doing anything about what happened, and how lauber still thought about the attack a lot years later.

this was a vicious attack that left the poor kid who was minding his own business traumatized.


Well-Known Member
You just agreed with a Paulbot on a conspiracy theory.

that's not a conspiracy theory, that's obama controlling the news cycle. you've obviously never heard of such a thing as "opposition research". get ready for 6 months of this type of thing. they're just getting started.


Well-Known Member
that's not a conspiracy theory, that's obama controlling the news cycle. you've obviously never heard of such a thing as "opposition research". get ready for 6 months of this type of thing. they're just getting started.
You're just mad that nobody will buy your overpriced tread mills from the nineties.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
while i don't think it's fair to judge a candidate on stupid shit they did in high school, i cannot ignore the fact that people who are true assholes in high school grow up to be true assholes as adults. there's a difference between "little shits" and "little peices of shit" imo. people who think it's funny to make people cry don't just "grow out of it".

i remember giving some kids a hard time in school, but the second it looked like someone was going to cry, my conscience kicked in and it stopped being fun. someone who gets real jollies out of someone who's alone and crying is likely to have a social disorder or mommy issues.

it sounds petty, but if you combine this with the dog on the car roof, it really makes the guy look like he is completely lacking any empathy at all, even to this day. throw in a few quotes of his, and a picture emerges of an apathetic man who is completely out of touch.

plus he was my governor for a while and this is the impression i had BEFORE this stuff came to light.


Well-Known Member
Obama Bullied a girl, smoked dope, did dope and ate dog. It's all in his book.
I think he has a worst high school reputation.
Just goes to show you how desperate the Left is getting.
Why doesn't the left leaning news media which are almost all. Cover that shit equally.

Geeeeeeeeeee !