Russian ambassador shot


Well-Known Member
Not a coincidence! This verifies that the Trump presidency is illegitimate!!! Holy shit!!!! I'm going to down to my bunker until this all blows over, hopefully not in a mushroom cloud, which I'm prepared for.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, they haven't voted yet. It is projected exit polling that shows Hillary winning EC!


Well-Known Member
Let's start a dumbass conspiracy theory. We have all the required ingredients:

A gullible individual with nothing to do
Completely unrelated facts that we can somehow associate to tell our story
Thanks Obama

Give me a break, when I posted this all I knew was he was shot, not where or why.
On the other hand, the right does it all the time, so..... Blow me:-)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
This means war most likely between russia and turkey. The US will likely side with Turkey until Trump gets in.

IF he gets in.


Well-Known Member
Trump has business ties in Turkey and Russia , he will fix lol.
@Flaming Pie any theories
Lol. NATO has been widely discredited.

I really thought that the morons would sort of straighten out after the election but they just keep getting worse.

Remember after the Boston Marathon bombing how the online wizards of reddit went all armchair detective and named the (wrong) suspects? This is that principle applied to politics. People with no knowledge whatsoever feel empowered and educated because they can Google shit.